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"Ouuu fuck Jasmine" she moaned out while gripping my shoulders tightly as I sent a thrust into her with my strap

"You like that don't you" I raised her hands above her head and went deeper and harder her moans were more like screams with each one she nodded her head and I put my other hand around her neck choking her lightly "say it Tia, say you like it"

" I like it, shit !" She moaned out snapping her legs shut

"Uh uh don't run from me babygirl" I spread her legs back open going faster

"Jasmine please" a tear slipped down her eye I kissed it away as her legs started shaking

"Cum for me"  I rubbed her clit with my thumb at a moderate pace just to add a extra inch of pleasure

"Jasmine fuuuuck" she threw her head back releasing all over the strap I pulled it out of her she let out a soft whimper as she bent down taking it into her mouth licking her juices off of it the way she was sucking this thing made me imagine what it would feel like if I had a real dick, I pulled it out of her mouth and pushed her back unto the bed I took the strap off and climbed on top of her kissing her soft plump lips steadily just savoring the taste of her I left her lips

"My turn" she flipped me over to where she was on top she left my lips to kiss down my body the way her smooth soft hands groped my sides turned me on

"Jasmine I hope you know this is my first time with a woman" she admitted biting her lip

"There's a first time for everything isn't there" I said slightly moaning as she kissed near the area I wanted her at

"Your right" there was a knock at the door stopping us we threw on a robe and she went into the bathroom as I went downstairs our clothes were all over the floor as I replayed in my mind how it all led up to where it was now

"Umm Jo,hello" Gil was standing at my door

"My bad Gilly now what brings you by" 

"Why are you not at work and where is Tia I haven't heard from her since the show l" he asked crossing his arms with a hint of worry in his voice

"I'm busy and she's busy too now I gotta go Gil byeeee" I pushed him out the door and went back upstairs to find Tia pleasuring herself

"You must couldn't wait for me baby"I crawled back into the bed on top of her removing her fingers and putting them in my mouth she once again flipped me over on my back not wasting anytime going down on me and she say it was her first time with a woman could've fooled me, she moaned against me and the vibrations shook me to the core she stuck a finger in my other hole pumping at a steady pace that drove me crazy I never had nothing in that one so it was a first for me but it felt good and for the life of me I didn't want her to stop she had me moaning for my life once I came she slurped me up like a damn slurpy licking me clean I pulled her up and kissed her I could taste myself upon her lips

"How did I do" she asked so timidly

"You did exceptional matter a fact come here ian done with you" I got up with her legs wrapped around my waist caring her to a secret passage in my house that led to my sexual Chamber

"What.....what's this" she looks around seeming surprised by all the ropes and chains hanging by hooks on the wall

"This baby is my playroom" I led her inside all the way locking the door behind us placing her on the table I had in the room I handcuffed her to each end of the table I went to get a blindfold I choose yellow because she really looks good in yellow I placed over her eyes and took a step back admiring her she just don't know what she gotten herself into I  sat my electronic Dick at her entrance pushing it in slowly I had the remote in my hand I let her get comfortable because of its size it was longer and thicker than my strap that I used on her I start the power at slow her moans were so sexy low and deep I walk over to where she was just looking at her I trailed my hands from her face to her breast squeezing them I turned the power a higher seeing how much she could take her moans turned into screams as increased some more she begged for me to slow it down as I seen tears come from underneath the blindfold the room was quiet except for the gushy sound coming from her sweet pussy as the toy went in and out and her moans mixed with screams I started kissing on her neck as she scream the words

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