For now, this is goodbye

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So now that you've reached the end of the demo, tell me what you think, I'm writing the actual story soon, I promise to revive Violet and Hoshihiko for the main story. The actual story will be spilt into two parts, Daily life and Deadly life:

Daily life - is before a murder occurs and where the story advances, certain characters will be interacted with during daily life (this will count as a free time event, each character has 5 free time events) this is the lighter part of the story where everything is less intense, not all free time events will be seen so keep that in mind.

Deadly life - is after someone is killed, and the class trial is held (whether or not I'll write the investigation sequences is still in debate.) The tone is darker and everyone will suspect everyone of being the killer, it's up to you whether or not you want to play along or just read it like a normal story. Executions will be written for each culprit (so they won't get out of it as easily as Hoshi did) if you want to see Hoshi's execution, let me know. If I get enough people wanting to see it then I'll write it and put it in the trivia book.

Now since I left most of the characters ambiguous, I'm going to ask you all who you want to spend time with the most, and once again in the trivia book, I'll write one of their free time events (you can't vote for Junako though, you read the story from his point of view, so unless you want to have Junako talking into a mirror for half an hour, I suggest you vote for someone else.)

Until we meet again, enjoy your stay and feel free to ask any questions.


I've now got an Amino!! Go find me on the Danganronpa amino where I'll be posting some stuff about the story, it's progression and even some character art. Come along and just ask me dumb questions, I'll answer them . . . most of them . . .

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