Peach Widows field - A tragedy for all....

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Its a rainy Wednesday morning in Birmingham, Chelsea and Raj had just received a text from Halimah telling the to get to the hospital for Caitlin. It was a rush to get there, they was at the hospital within five minuets the reception said she was in th CCU ( Critical Care Unit) when they got there they couldn't get in to see her. The nurses didn't let them in without permission from Caitlin. But Caitlin was out for the count. Halimah was sitting next to her side, tears drenched her cheeks, hands wrapped round Caitlins' saying " wake up please, we need you, i need you, DJ needs you ! please wake up" her voice breaking with each word getting cut shorter each time. Halimah could feel a lump in her throat we all could feel a lump in our throat. The nurse came out and asked us to go sit in the waiting room and she would let us go in after the doctors had finished with her for the morning. Shortly after 12:24pm Halimah came in to the waiting room and told us what happened to Caitlin ....

                                                                                  Halimah : We was going for our morning jog. I slowed down a bit because my legs were hurting but Caitlin kept going. As she was just about to cross the road ..... She got shot Twice in the stomach and as she was about to drop to the floor she got hit by a car........ It was to horrible to watch..... SHE WAS A VICTIM TO A HIT AND RUN !!!!!!!!

She blurted out crying again and as she did that DJ came bursting in all flushed and red he ran into the CCU and was sitting next to her doing the similar things Halimah did His shot hands wrapped round Caitlin's, tears streaming down his face the he said the words Caitlin was always waiting to hear...

                                                                                                                                DJ : I love you Cat .... I really do weather you can hear me or not i love you and if i could get the chance i want to spend the rest of my life with you ! Please, please give me the chance

 Me and Raj were standing outside the door when he said it. I had tears welling up in my eyes. She had known him for the whole of high school she had even admitted she liked him in her own little way but..... Now he has come out that he likes her. People have told me tha when you go in a coma you still hear the familiar voices ..... I think she heard.

A single tear rolled down Caitlin's cheek.

Raj got a text from BeeJ. A smile creeps onto her face. She read it out loud, it goes :

                                                                      BeeJ : Me and the GF have spoke. There's now way i could be the dad ! The dates don't work out.... free this Friday?

Oh my gosh. Everything is happening all at once to everyone Cat and DJ might be getting together if Cat can make it, Raj and BeeJ might be going on a date and start building a strong relationship, I have no idea really about what Halimahs' doing and then there's me Just witting for personal joke (code name for the guy i like) to ring me up or even notice i even exist still...... Oh .... Hang on he just text me

                                                               Me: OH MY GOD !!!!!!!! THIS CAN'T BE -

                                                                                TO BE CONTINUED ...

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