Time Bomb Express

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This chapter takes place in episode 5 where Conan goes on a train when he saw the men in Black talking about a bomb in a case set to explode let's see how much our shigami influence the outcome of this event!?

Akira's POV

As I was dressed casually with a dark green shirt, a pair of jeans and green sneakers I was with Ran, Conan, Ayumi, Genta and Mitsuhiko as we were going on a trip by taking the bullet train as the other kids (except Conan) where talking about how cool was it to be on a very fast train like the bullet train

I was not impressed comparing this to how I usually travel which is hoping from building to building while I was doing overtime collecting souls this seems like walking through the park on a peaceful day

So I decided to mess with Conan "hey do you think anything interesting will happen~?" I asked him as my words were dripping with sarcasm as he looked annoyed before he could retort the train arrived

"Well let's get on!" Said Ran-nee as she herded us into the train as I noticed Conan staring at something with a very scared expression as I saw two men in black suits then it hit me

'should I tell him their not the same people's I thought but I decided against it and went straight into the train

It was very clean but I still see Conan watching those men in black as my advance eyesight help me to see him putting a listening device in the gum and stick it under the chair

"Conan!!!" Shouted Ran-nee as she gave the not-child a disapproved look 'Busted' I thought as he got lectured

"Conan if you have trash you should put it in here silly!" Chirped Ayumi as she showed a little caparment in the chair's arm rest as I was mentally laughing at Conan's face at how much easier to put a listening device in there

I decided to save his but by dropping my glasses under one of the seats "Ran-nee I dropped my glasses!" I exclaimed as Ran picked them me up and put me into the seat as she went look for my glasses and I sensed Conan's presence I could tell I did a great job as Ran found my glasses and put them in my hands 

"be more careful and try not lose them again" she says as nodded and told I will be more careful next time as I turned my head towards Conan as I gave my most innocent smile I can make that made me look like an angle 

Conan's POV 

When Akira dropped his glasses I knew it was on purpose but I quickly planted the listening device in the trash compartment when I turned my attention to the red-head he gave me a very innocent smile as I felt a shiver up my spine as I saw a familiar look in his eyes

It was a look that I see in most adults it felt as if he was looking at my soul as he seemed more amused at my actions as he closely observed me but it quickly disappeared a he had childish innocence in them once more 

"Conan come on you need sit down you must be bored for standing up for so long" said Ran as I just nod at her and took the seat next to Akira I went and pushed the button on my glasses to hear the conversation of the men in black

I listen to them to learn about a deal they made which paid a lot of money but they back-stabbed the person by giving them a silver case with a bomb in it I was so shock that I made a bathroom excuse then ran off as I try to get clues on who has the bomb

'I need to find that quickly before it's too late!!!' I thought as I continue on running as fast as I could 

Time skip

' who has the bomb!?' I mentally shouted when there were three possible suspects but I don't know which one

"hey Conan why were looking at those men as if you seen some scary monster?" Asked Akira with curiosity in his voice as he appeared out of no where

"don't scare me like that and I don't know what your talking about!" I shouted at him but all he gave me was a blank face

"Conan I may be a child but I'm not an idiot who will turn a blind eye when someone is clearly stressed with something big" he said in a very flat tone as he looked me dead in the eye as I decided it was better to tell him

"the men in black suits gave their buyer that is still on the train a bomb and it's supposed to go off very soon" I said as he just hummed at my answer then turned his head to look out of the window

"you mean that silver suitcase that the lady recieve from the men was actually a bomb?" he said as I realized what he said that the only suspect out the three was a women so I ran out of there hoping Akira was right

But if I stayed longer I would have seen the smirk on Akira's face as if I was a very amusing of how scared I was

Using the shoes that the Professor gave me to kick the bomb far away as possible from the train then the lady got the two men in black suits arrested but I realized they weren't the same men who drugged me 

' I shouldn't think every men in black suits are the ones who drugged me' Was the thought  I had


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