h u r t

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since i had already walked around to find her, i decided that i might as well take the bus. i took a seat on the bus stop by target and waited patiently for the bus to come.

the bus arrived and since none of the people on the bus seemed to recognize me, i took this as an opportunity to pop my headphones in. i paid the bus driver, since i didn't have a bus card, although, i should consider it.

i took a seat in the back and instantly took this as an opportunity to just admire the scenery. i'm the one who usually drives me and ethan around, so i never get to enjoy it.

it was especially nice that the bus stayed still for a while, letting me soak in the sunset and skyline to kid cudi.

even if i didn't find a soulmate, i always had the beautiful day to replicate her.

"in the back with the headphones." i overheard.

i turn towrds the sentence and i caught a glimpse of a young woman walking down the steps.

oh my god. 

that's her. 

that's why i feel this way.

i quickly get up from my seat and walk down the aisle.

"son, you're gonna have to sit down." he said, closing the door. i stand dumbfounded and i blankly take a seat in the front.

wow. i really couldn't believe it.

if i had heard the conversation seconds before, i wouldn't have missed her. i could've stopped her.

i was so 

. . .close.

my soulmate just passed me.

she exists.

i smile to myself.

she's real.

"excuse me sir, how far away is the next stop from the one we just drove away from?" If it was close then i could run to her and catch her.

"two miles." he blankly says.

I sigh and shake my head.
"thank you." you could hear my disappointment.

she'd be long gone if I ever reach the stop again. how on earth was i supposed to find her?

i closed my eyes and let my head fall back onto the seat.

i just needed to find peace with the knowledge that she was real.


"e! e!" i call out.

"she's real!" i yell to him.

"e?" i roam the house trying to find him.

"ethan. this isn't funny." and then i see it.

i see him.

he's laying on the floor, clearly unconcious.

i fall to my knees.




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