Chapter 7

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Lollll I'm looking back at this story and cringing so hard.. you all seem to enjoy it though so I suppose I'll continue. I know I said I would update more and didn't stick with that but I'll try more now. If you have any suggestions on what you might wanna read please let me know. Thank you all for the sweet comments.

It's my birthday!! I'm finally sixteen! My mom said when I turned sixteen I could if I chose,to move in permanently with Kyle. My mom has been on business trips for the past few months and she wants to sell the house and move into an apartment because she's never home. Right now I have a ton of freedom because I don't exactly tell kyle I'm home alone till about the third day into the week. A girl needs some alone time. I don't know if it's a good idea to move in with Kyle because I will have restrictions after restrictions constantly and I will be under constant watch.

Mom woke me up this morning with a cupcake and a bag for my birthday inside the bag was a ring she told me it was hers from when she turned sixteen I thought it was super special.

I got ready and waited for Kyle to come pick me up. I had a nice conversation with my mom while I waited.

Kyle pulled into the driveway I said bye to my mom and walked out the door. Today is going to be a good day. I got in the car and Kyle told me happy birthday and asked if I wanted Starbucks.. of course I said yes. Luckily he got me early enough where we will have time and we won't be late.

We arrived at Starbucks and Kyle asked what I wanted

"I want a venti Carmel macchiato"
Kyle responded with "you're not going to get anything with those manners try that again"
Is he trying to make me upset?
"Can I please have a venti Carmel macchiato"
"Yes you can babe let's order"

We pull through the drive thru and place the order. Kyle pays and we grab our drinks "thank you babe I love you"
"I love you too"

We head to school and I kiss and hug kyle goodbye and go find Kennedy,one of my friends.  I find her by her locker "hey happy birthday bitchhhhh what are you up to"
"Nothing just wanted to see if you wanna party sometime soon we haven't in a while and I miss you"
"Girl I miss you too, why don't we just skip school and we can party now plus you won't have to ask kyle later on during a weekend and lie about where we are"
This is definitely a risky move but fuck it I'm sixteen now.
"Let's go"

Kennedy drove to a diner and ate pancakes we then went back to her house and she gave me my birthday present. I told her she didn't need to get me anything but she insisted on me opening it up and keeping it.

I opened the box and it was a drop. I've wanted a vape for such a long time but never had someone that could get me one. I hugged Kennedy and looked over at the clock I realized it was after lunch time and we needed to head back so Kyle wouldn't get suspicious.

Kennedy drove me back and I went to my final class luckily for me Kyle and I don't have any classes together this semester so I was able to sneak in.

At the end of the day I met Kyle at my locker and we walked out to his car I forgot to put my drop away it's in my pants pocket. Oh well as long as he doesn't grab my butt while were in the car I should be good and I'll just hide it when I get home.

Kyle and I are sitting talking about our days and he had a questioning look on his face I asked him "what?" He asked "where were you during lunch?" We don't even have lunch together why does it matter? I guess I'll just lie "I was with Mrs.Miller she was helping me with Chemistry why?" "Well I had a cake for you that I was going to surprise you with at lunch but I couldn't find you so I was just wondering" my boyfriend is so sweet I love him. "Oh yeah sorry that's where I was" "you know what's interesting is that Mrs.Miller is my 5th hour teacher that was letting me come surprise you and I can't say I saw you" dear god why did I lie again... "So wanna try that again?" "I was just walking around with friends" "wanna tell me why I got a call from the school saying you missed two or more classes today?" "I skipped okay.. sorry. A friend wanted to hangout and I didn't think it really mattered" "what friend?" "Don't worry about it" "are you really telling me not to worry about it? I was worried about you all throughout the day this is ridiculous "

Kyle shook his head and drove to his house. "Go up to my room I'll meet you there"
Damnit why can I never catch a break. I sit on his bed and wait I almost forgot my drop was in my back pocket and as soon as the door opened I shoved it into my bra. I don't know if he saw but hopefully he did not.

"Well you're getting 50 spanks with a hairbrush do you know why?" "I lied,skipped school and broke your trust." "How do you expect me to let you live practically on your own without your mother and I when you can't even be responsible enough to show up to class?" "I don't know sir" "I was going to let you have the choice on where you wanted to live but after the stunt you pulled you have no choice and your mother is aware of the circumstances so you will be moving in on Friday. No discussion this will be final" there goes my life...


"Thank you sir I'm sorry" I cried and cried damn the hair brush hurts "take a nap babe I'll be here when you wake up I love you" "okay I love you" I hear "happy birthday beautiful" as I drift off to sleep

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