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Valentina's pov

When I finished singing I look up to see both Liam and Enzo asleep, Liam in my arms and Enzo with the head on my lap. I turned to Marco who look kinda shocked. "You okay there Asensio?" I asked laughing quietly m, "You can play futbol and you have an amazing voice, what else can you do?" He asks making me smile "That you find out some other day, for now let's just go to sleep." I say and Marco picks Enzo up and we both walked up the stairs and into the boys room.

After we put the boys to bed Marco goes to take a quick shower and I changed from a baggy crop top to just s baggy t-shirt.

After we put the boys to bed Marco goes to take a quick shower and I changed from a baggy crop top to just s baggy t-shirt

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I then get into my bed, a few seconds later Marco comes out of the shower wearing black sweater pants and a gray t-shirt. He gets into bed with me and we cuddle, for a while its just been me with my head on his chest listening to his heart beat and him playing with my hair. Few seconds later and I'm out like a light.


I wake up to the sunshine though the curtains. I try to move but can't because of the arm over my waist. I turn around to be face to face with Marco. He looks so peaceful I dont wake to wake him up. I get out of bed and tske a 7 minute shower and put on a pair of Adidas leggings, a Adidas sports bra, and a blue Brazil futbol sweater, and I put my hair into boxer braids.

 I get out of bed and tske a 7 minute shower and put on a pair of Adidas leggings, a Adidas sports bra, and a blue Brazil futbol sweater, and I put my hair into boxer braids

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I go downstairs to make breakfast for the boys

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I go downstairs to make breakfast for the boys. As I was getting all of the ingredients and utensils I need for pancakes, Lola and Oso came up to me meaning that they want food so I pour them dog food into there bowls. When I was on the last pancake, I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I head on my shoulder, a few seconds later I feel arms wrap around my leg. I look down to see it was Liam, I look up to see Marco.

"Goodmorning amor" I say turning the shove off "Goodmorning princesa" Marco says giving me a kiss. I pick up Liam and give him a kiss on the cheek and he gives me one back, then put his head down on my chest. "We look like a family." Marco says them kisses my head.

Enzo comes down the stairs and we go to the dining room to eat. "What are we doing today?" Asks Enzo "I don't know" I say shrugging "How about we just stay at the here and us the pool?" Marco says "Yeah sure" I say back.After we were done eating, I went upstairs to put the boys into there swim shorts and to change into my red Tommy Hilfiger bikini. I walk downstairs and into the backyard to see Marco holding Liam and talking to Enzo.

 I walk downstairs and into the backyard to see Marco holding Liam and talking to Enzo

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Marco was wearing dark blue swim shorts

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Marco was wearing dark blue swim shorts. When he saw mw he smiled making me blush. "Wow, you look beautiful." Marco says making me blush more. He gets up and walks closer to me, then puts an arm around my waist pulling me even closer, "You're so cute when you blush." I blushed so hard after he said that, that put my head on his chest.

I was laying on the pool chair with Liam sitting on my stomach playing with the tips of my hair. Oh the other hand Marco and and Enzo were on the pool messing around, that we I started to think about what Marco said earlier, "We look like a family" what did he mean by that? Dose he want to have a family with me? A million thought went though my head but I was brought out of my thoughts by someone calling my name.

It was Marco, "Sorry what you say?" I ask "Are you coming in?" "Yeah I'll be there" I get up and start walking into the water, which was perfect, Liam on the other hand squeezed my arm but then got used to it. When I get completely in the water I make sure that I'm at the point where water is half way of my chest because I have Liam with me.

"Enzo can you go get Liam pool floatie" Marco says, coming closer to me and Liam because dude to my height of 5'6 I cant go to the deep area and Marco can because he's 6'0. Enzo goes to get the floatie which is upstairs. "Hey beautiful" Marco says "Hola amor" I say back giggling. "Whats so funny?" He asks as he put his arm around my waist. "It's just that we are dating." I say making him raise one of his perfect eyebrows.

"It's just that the thought of us dating is unbelievable because even though I'm not a Real Madrid fan, I've had a crush on you for a few months and now we are dating." I say making him smile. "Good to know the girl I had a crush on also had a crush on me and now we are together." He says leaning down for a kiss

Enzo comes back with the floatie giving it to Marco and I put Liam in it and he loves it. Marco comes behind me wrapping his arms around me. "Lets go to the deep end." Marco says "I don't feel like swimming and I'm to short." I say looking up at him. "How about if I carry you over there?" He asks "What about the kids?" "Enzo can stay here and take care of Liam."

I look over at Enzo who is making faces at Liam. "Mmmmm, fine" I say giving in "Enzo look after your brother, Marco and I are going to be at the deep end." I say and he nods. Marco picks me up making me wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. We to the secret part which is behind a water fall.

"I could stay like this forever." Marco says making me blush "You're so adorable when you blush" I put my head on his chest hiding. Marco starts to laughing lightly and then his grip gets stronger around my waist. "Valentina," Marco says making me look up and then down at him. "What?" I ask with a frown because of his change of tone.

"I love you." He says making me look at him stare in the eyes to see if he is serious, but when I see that he doesn't show and acts of joking I say "I love you too." He gets the biggest smile on his face and crashing his lips to mine.


Any questions about Valentina and Real Madrid boys are doing a q&a, if you have any questions Valentina and the boys will answer them for you soon.

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