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The front door of the house swung open as Jimin bolted through it with wide eyes. Hoseok walked down the staircase with a wide grin on his face as Jimin ran up towards him.

"Hey baby!" He beamed, stopping halfway as he held out his arms.

"Fuck out my way hoe!" Jimin yelled as he right hooked Hoseok in the neck over the railing as he dashed up the stairs.

"Fiesty~!" Hoseok choked out as he fell down onto the marble floor below. "Ow..."

Yoongi flinched as he saw the red haired guy hit the floor before running over to him in worry. "A-Are you okay?!"

Hoseok mumbled something before he slowly got up, stretching while cracking his neck back into place, making Yoongi cringe at the sounds and rolled his shoulders back into place. "Always." He dusted himself off before looking at Yoongi with a grin. "Oh hey, you're the coma kid!"

"C-Coma kid?" Yoongi squinted with a mumble. "M-My name is Min Yoongi."

"Well, my name is Hoseok. Jung Hoseok. Or just Hobi." He subtly smirked before he looked up. "Yahh! It's Jungkook! You little twerp!" He pulled a face as Jungkook cooly walked in with his hands in his pockets and a bored expression on his face.

"What now, hyung?" Jungkook sighed down as he took out his phone while yawning.

"You took my last can of sprite today you little shit." Hoseok pointed at him, to which the young vamp shrugged.

"And it was pretty damn refreshing." Jungkook nodded with a smirk as Hoseok glared at him. "You gonna fight me for it?"

Yoongi felt incredibly small as he could feel the room grow spontaniously cold. It's as if he could feel two alpha male auras fighting it out for dominance in the air as the two both glared at each other, the house lightly shaking under the invisible force and lights flickering. The air grew static as Yoongi squeaked slightly from the small random shock he got.

"Hey! Stop it!" A shrill male voice called out before the sound of bells was heard, the two males stopping their intimidating stares at each other, everything stopping as if nothing happend

Yoongi looked around confusingly from who called out, before he turned towards the stairs and saw a silky fluffy black cat hurrying down the stairs, the bells on its collar jingling as it reached the ground floor.

"Ah! So cute!" Yoongi smiled as he quickly walked over and crouched down infront of the well pampered looking feline and tried to pet it. "Hey little kitty kit-"

"Human boy!" The cat screamed, making Yoongi scream also as he fell back onto his butt in shock, causing Hoseok to have a laughing fit and Jungkook lightly chuckling with a smirk.

"T-T-Talking! It-it talks?!" Yoongi stammered with wide eyes as the cat licked at its paw and rubbed its head.

"Why so shocked by a dang talking cat when you've practically met vampires?!" The cat sighed while shaking its head before wiggling its tail. "Hi. I'm Kim Seokjin. Jin for short. I'm a hybrid familiar."

"Hybrid...familiar?" Yoongi squinted in confusion at the cat, still in shock before it exploded into a black smoke right before his eyes.

Yoongi gasped in shock as he waved away at the faint black smoke until it dispersed and he was staring up at a tall, really handsome, broad shouldered, lean bodied guy with dark brown hair. He was wearing an oversized open buttoned white shirt exposing half his chest, black silk pyjama pants and was barefoot. His neck on one side was littered with fading bite marks and hickies. Then Yoongi caught the sight of the wiggling black cat ears that popped up out of Jin's hair and the tail that wiggled out from behind him.

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