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Warning:kinda short because i have
So many fanfic to update
Hope you enjoy


Chaehyun already done with her outfit and pack her thing"ouhh..chae where are you going?"seungyon still with her sleeping face ask

"Em..mian eonni didn't tell you earlier but i have another photoshoot in china so i can't join you all practice"
She only can smile

"Btw are you coming back late again?"
She ask again but chae just sigh
"eonni as usual yes i'm late"she smile weakly and seungyon just pat her shoulder"it's okay chae hwaiting"she cheer up the younger


Doyoung have a difficult time to wake mark"Yah markeuu~wake up"but he only hear the younger groan

"YAH!!Wake Up or we leave you alone"he said sternly

And it make mark completely awake and go straight to the bathroom doyoung giggles looking at his cute deongsaeng

Let's skip(cause i'm lazyyyy)

"Okay mika(chaehyun)go a little closer to the left side"the photographer said"okayy nice and junmyoon hold her shoulder"and then the boy do like what they told him

"Mika let's change your outfit same as you junmyoon-ah"the stylist eonni said before walk away

*after maybe 30 minute*

"So guys this is the last photoshoot and please look at each other like you two have a feeling for both of you"the pd said smiling

Before they start mika and junmyoon already laugh and then do it seriously


Taeyong smile and sit beside jihyun make the other shocked"sunbae why are you smiling?"she giggle looking at the older"nothing...just look at you is make my day"he wink make jihyun face turn red like a tomato

"Ahhh stop it please"she hide her face with her hand and taeyong feel he just want to pinch her cheek but someone ruin their moment

"Hyung stop flirting"mark said suddenly appear and jisung along with chenle is laughing at the corner

"What!!! You ruin the moment mark lee...You know your just same as me"he smirk

"What do you mean hyung?"he ask still curious about what will his hyung say to him

"When mika around you will flirt with her too"and his smirk is grow bigger after seeing the younger freeze didn't know what to say

"Emmm both of them mika and mark are difficult to read"suddenly yuta said and sit beside them

"Hey yuta help me please bring me the mineral"taeyong smile innocently

"Cis..just say if you want to be with jihyun alone"then yuta left maybe talk to other member

Mark p.o.v

Aigoo...i'm so tired who didn't right?when you have to practice and perform in 3 unit but it's okay because i want NctZen to be happy
Now i'm bored so i check my media social suddenly the picture of mika and a boy kinda good looking is pooped out they look so sweet together like the true couple is falling in love I just imagine how it will be when i replace the boy to myself
Woooww mark lee no your going insane but somehow deep inside my heart feel so hurt looking both of them so i'm stop scrolling the photo and practice again


A/N:tadaaaa new chap hope u enjoy bye royalhun💕


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