coming closer together

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The next day after the very long nite, me and zenya woke up at the same time and she wanted feeding. after I gave her, her morning feed, she came and give me a cuddle and started to play with me. She's starting to get a little bit bigger now and very strong. me and zenya are spending alot of time together now she isn't sleeping alot now she is grownig up, she caught her teeth on my t-shirt and made a little whole in it.

The whole of today me and zenya decided to go on a walk, just me and her and the camera, she is now trained to be on a rope/lead. The river near where we are staying had got alot of fish in it, I have been making her fish and bird stew everyday.

our walk was really good, we went swimming in the river and caugh some fish, we made sure she was away from all the other wild animals untill she a little bit older to start letting me teeatch her how to hunt.

after we have been on our walk, I decided to take her back to the hut and make her something to eat because she's done alot of exercise,  shes a growing young tiger and she need alot of protein and meat. finially we had finished are tour home and she cried at me for her food we got back just in time for her routine, I gave her, her food and she went straight to sleep. while she was alseep I finished my washing and made sure they are outside to dry, when I got back in the hut zenya was awake, when I sat down and she jumped on my lap and started kissing me. I was training her to sit and not to beg for my food. because she only sleep for 15 minutes she wants to be playing, and always wants to be going to catch fish. she is now 3 month old.

I am soo tried I better give zenya her last feed and go to bed before she wants to play again.

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