Chapter 2: Return

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Sarah stood in front of me, her eye's dead locked to mine. We both said nothing to each other as the tension was too high. I tried to think of something to say and even though I wanted to go up to her and kiss her I still did'nt understand why she left so I held back until I knew everything I needed. She took one step towards the bed and sat on my old, scruffy sheet. But as she sat she noticed my facial expressions. I did'nt know what it was but I felt she was too familiar as if she could just walk back into my life. So she stood back up but this time closer to me. She looked around the room and smiled.

"I like your bedroom, it's bigger than the one in Seattle..." she said still admiring the room.

"Yeah it is" I replied quickly just to stop myself from saying something stupid. 

She walked away from me to go towards my desk. On the desk was a picture of me and her at the airport when I left to go France. She picked up the picture and held in her hand. She stared at the picture for a few moments before sighing and putting it back in the exact place she found it. 

"...I remember that day. I remember missing you so much when you left"  She then laughed and continued.

"Your mother said on the car ride back to your house that she though I was a wonderful person..."

"Well, she doesn't know you that well..." I said trying to sound witty.

She turned around with tearful eyes, then stepped a few steps closer.

"Jake I'm so sorry, you don't understand how much but I was trying to protected you!"

"Protect me? You left me on my own, no one to go to! And it's not like I can go to my parents about it!...what are you doing here anyway..." 

"What I did was wrong and I should of took you with me but it was what I thought was best...I want...need you to come with me..."

"It's too late. I'm not apart of your world anymore. Some of the closest people in my life died because I picked you over them."

"Jake you don't understand! If you stay here Lily and Josh will find you"

I had completely forgot about Josh being with Lily. I did'nt know what to do.


"Please Jake, don't come for me, come to protect your parents..."

I had to think about what was best for everyone. For the first time I had to think about my parents before me. I had the chance to determine lives. I was a vampire. 

"I'll go..."

Sarah ran towards me and tried to give me a hug before I stepped away. Her face dropped but we moved passed it quickly.

"We better start packing..." she said. 

"I guess..."

After packing all my clothes, I was finally ready to leave. Sarah jumped down out of the window and waited outside. I had to quickly think of a excuse to give for leaving. I stood in my room with bags in my hands and ready to give up my life. What could I say?...

"Jake! Come here!" my dad shouted from downstairs. 

I ran quickly down the stairs to my dad, red faced.

"What's going on!" he yelled.


"Sarah has just told me and your mom that you going away for a few months?!" 


I saw Sarah at the front door with my mom. 

"When were you going to tell us!" he yelled once more.

"Well I'm telling you now..."

I quickly walked passed him reaching the front door. Before I got there dad held me by the arm. 

"Your not going anywhere!"

"Glen!" My mum screamed.

"Dad, let me go!" I yelled in his face. 

His hand slowly let my arm go. Before I could finally leave he gave me one last dirty look. Once free I gave my mom a huge hug and left the house. Me and Sarah, as we always did, both got into the car and slammed the door behind us. I put my bags in the back of the car and put my seat belt on. I turned towards Sarah, as she had a massive smile on her face.


No, no I was'nt... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2012 ⏰

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