Chapter 1: Africa

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The warmth of the sun on my neck was amazing, the clean, fresh air was smoothing as it glided slowly on my skin. Though my skin was usually pale white, it was progressively bronzing in the heat. I kept my eye shut while I lay there, fearing the sun would be too bright for my eyes. Africa was funny to me, it differed to everything I had known, It was bright, sunny, warm, it was everything Seattle was'nt. But I still did miss it. I missed my one friend, Randy. Randy was the last of my friends, the only survivor of my small friendship group. I tried my best to still keep in touch with Randy but being in different country's was bound to split us apart at some point but as I still tried to hang on to the last part of friendship I knew Randy still suspected me of the death of Hannah, Rachel and Josh. As true as it was that Hannah and Rachel had died Josh was still alive, alive as a vampire, travailing with Lilly. Where they were, I did'nt know. I came to terms with never seeing my best friend again. 

Soon after leaving America, I gave up on school all together, I saw no point in graduating. So with no grades I was working at the local shops in the market in a small town. I was walking there every day in the heat and the walk did last two hours but it was something other to do than listen to my mom and dad fight over bills. They never expected to be living in Africa but it was one of their dreams and as the press kept coming to the story of me being a crazy murderer, it seemed like the easy way out of all our problems. It was a new start, until we ran out of money four months after arriving. We were still living like a family but the whole meaning was pointless. None of us ever talked except from arguing, none of us actually expressed how we felt because we all knew secretly that we hated where we were. Their dream became a nightmare. The only benefits was the weather, it was my new best friend. It felt like I was all alone, no way around the fact that my life had been turned upside down by one person, just one. Sarah. As much as I hated what she had caused in my life I still missed her. I missed her perfect face, I missed her smooth lips, I missed the excitement of knowing I was in love with a monster, a human devouring vampire. Her face stayed clear in my mind, even though I had'ent seen her in a year. Some say time feels pain but time did nothing but the make the pain grow for me. I still thought of her the second I woke up and the moment I fell into my sleep. She was still my true love.

"Dinners ready" my dad called from the kitchen, the words came out of his mouth with no emotion, it was as if he hated me.

"I'm not hungry" I said sounding quite angry by the tone of voice I received of my dad.

"I don't care just get your ass over here and eat!"

"I said I'm not hungry!"

My mom stepped forward to stop my dad from attacking me, she spoke as always in a small quite voice.

"Please dear..."


I sat down on my usual chair in the kitchen, looking around at the African themed room. I started to become angry at the loud eating of my dad.

"Maybe you could sell some of this crap and maybe we could pay the bills" I said under my breath.

My mom looked upset and as my dad watched he also started to get angry as well.

"I don't care what the hell you think about the furniture! Now eat you food!" He shouted with food spilling out of his mouth while pointing his knife at me. 

I got up of my chair and walked away to my room. I did'nt look back at my dad or mom but I heard the complains of my dad. I quickly ran up the stairs to avoid eye contact with them. I placed my hand on the nob of the door and turned quickly then slinging the door wide open. I stood in the door way shocked at what I saw.

                                                           She was back...


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