Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

As a child, I was curious. Maybe too curious of the items where I lived. I guess that’s why this all happened. I still can’t believe it did. I never meant to get involved with this world, but I guess I can’t control that can I? I’m not giving enough information for you to understand anything I’m saying. Hmm… Let’s start from the beginning.


I walked downstairs in the morning. I jumped off the last step and ran into the kitchen. The walls were coloured a light blue and the stairs were wood. I ran up to my father and hugged him from behind where he was cooking breakfast.

He laughed as he recognized who was behind him. “What are you doing up this early?” He asked with a smile.

“I couldn’t just stay asleep on my tenth birthday!” I yelled as I hugged him tighter. He was really tall and really skinny.

“I’m sure not. What do you want to eat?” He asked as he put down his cooking tools.

“Your pick!” I yelled as he turned around and I let go.

“Noodles then.” He said as I shook my head.

“Something sweet!”

“Hmm… How about a cake?” He was the best cook in the village where I lived.

“We can share it with mother!”

He took on a solemn look. “She doesn’t have the appetite.” He said plainly.

“Oh… ok. Well we can share it!” I wasn’t fazed.

“Let’s do that!” He smiled again and he got tools and ingredients out. We cooked until noon and he took it out of the oven. We were covered with flour from our flour war and I clapped my hands in excitement.

He pulled out of the container and put it on the counter on a plate. We let it cool and ran around the house, careful not to wake my mother. She hasn’t been feeling well. When the cake had cooled we both ate in earnest. It was gone by the middle of the afternoon.

We sat together on the couch, laughing with our memories. My father was my best friend. He said that as a birthday present, I could see his secret office that no one, not even my mother, knew about.

I absolutely wanted to see it, so we went upstairs. I walked behind him as he led to the locked door. It had always been locked. He pulled out a secret key and unlocked the door. It slid easily open. He looked behind us, as if looking for something, then walked inside.

The walls were black and the floor was wood. The desk in the corner had a lamp that he lit up with a match from beside it. I looked around in amazement. There was a separate desk that had a box on it that my father said not to open. There were files on the corner of the desk with the lamp. There were no windows and the walls looked sturdier than the rest of the house.

Father startled me out of my observations. “This is my office where I spend most of my time.” He said with pride.

I went over to the box and asked, “what’s inside?”

“It’s something I’ve picked up in one of the places I used to go. It’s more important than this whole house.”

“Can I see it?” I asked.

“I’m sorry, but you can’t.” He said, staring at me suspiciously.

“Hmm…” I murmured.

He went to the desk with the lamp to organize some of the files and while his back was turned I opened the box.

I covered my mouth as I looked in. There was a shining object that looked like a green cube with a circle of chains or something surrounding it. There was a circle of light around it. For a second, it had changed into a pink heart with the same chain like thing as the heart and it shone pink.

It disappeared within a second and I thought it hadn’t changed at all. I picked it up in my hands and I looked into the green light. I looked to see if my father’s back was still turned before the object seemed to tell me what to do.

It told me to put it to my chest. I did that and after a moment it faded from my hand. It seemed to sink into my chest. I felt pain and I screamed and stumbled. Everything about me was being torn apart and remade. A knife in my arms, my legs, my back, my chest. A knife through my very self.

My father stood above me, yelling at me for something, but I couldn’t hear. My vision grew fuzzy and my surroundings changed. I yelled again as the knife was pushed further. My body was being destroyed.

My vision sharpened to something beyond anything I had ever seen. Everything was sharper, clearer. It was like the water had stilled from how I saw before. The room was white and the bed where I lay down was covered with a white blanket. The pain faded as my vision cleared further.

A tall girl stood in front of my bed with a clipboard in her hands, writing something down. There seemed to be no light except that surrounding my father and the girl.

I fell back into darkness and everything faded away around me. I found myself in a room, the walls extended far above my head. I looked down and saw a huge pale white being. She had the body of a dragon and her head seemed to have a helmet cover it. As I stood there, green light started to emit from the being’s body and she started to writhe. Voices called out, but I couldn’t tell what they said. The pale white was encased in green as it swirled around a center of light. The being seemed to surround something.

A platform lowered from the sky above me and two people looked down at the being. I couldn’t hear anything, but then someone or something spoke.

“A Point-Breaker has appeared. No, not one, two. Two people have become more synchronized with Innocence than any other. It is you, Jak, that is one of them. This is shown to know of your future.” The voice faded as the room came back.

My eyes opened to bright light as someone stood over me. I whispered, “where am I?”

The girl from before smiled. “You’re at the hospital. Your father brought you here after you collapsed.” She leaned back and sat on the edge of the bed. “He’ll be relieved to know you’ve awakened. He’s been worried sick.”

“What happened?” I asked quietly.

“Only he can say, he didn’t even tell me.” She stood up and left the room.

I closed my eyes and within a second people appeared. I looked out into the hallway people passed through and saw my father. He ran to my door and opened it. I opened my eyes as he ran and hugged me.

“You’re awake!” He smiled.

“What happened, father?” I asked as he set me back down on the covers.

He sighed and the happy look faded from his face and it was filled with tiredness. “I told you not to mess with it. You could have died.”

“How? I don’t get what happened to me.” I said, confused.

He looked into my eyes. “That thing you touched, it was Innocence.” I gasped and he looked at me weirdly, but went on. “It was absorbed into you and I don’t know what happened to it. It affected you greatly, but I don’t know how.”

I sighed as I took this in. “What happens now?” I had lost my energy from before, the pain had cost me too much.

“We go home. We see your mother. We stay there and if anything else happens to you, we will head out to a place that I know will help. They have to help.” He says the last sentence to himself.

“Let’s go home then, Father.” I say, reaching for his hand.

Surprisingly, he tears it away and walks out of the room, leaving me alone. I sighed and leaned back. I closed my eyes and watched the people walk past outside my door. I finally fell asleep at sunset. I felt something change as I fell asleep, but I was already gone.

The Unknown Heart (D. Gray Man Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now