Please don't go

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----Abbys POV----

I haven't heard from CC for a few hours. I was starting to get worried. What if he found someone else? What if he decided I wasn't worth it? So many what if's... What if he got hurt?Relax Abby. It has been 4 hours. Not a wholeday

All these thoughts ran through my head. I coudn't remember the rest of the guys numbers and I didn't want to seem stakerish. I am just so worried about him. I had never been this happy. With anyone.

----Ashley's POV----

"CC!" I yelled down the hall. I was going to see if he wanted to go to Starbucks with me. I was shocked to see CC laying in the floor against the counter. I had just woken up from my nap so I rubbed my eyes to make sure I wasn't seeing things. "Holy shit! ANDY,JAKE, JINXX COME HERE QUICK ITS CC! Call an ambulance!" I screamed panicing and running over to CC.

"What the hell happened?!?" Andy asked horrified.

"I don't know! I just found him!" I said back scared. CC wasn't moving and his breathing seemed off. I was scared for my bestfriend. I let a tear slip.

"He will be okay Ash" Jinxx said putting his hand on my shoulder. He was trying to be reassurring but the look in his eyes told a different story altogether.

The ambulance got there within a few minutes. I guess Jake had called them.

"Only one person can ride." The medic said.

Everyone looked at me, "I will go with him." I said.

They loaded CC onto a stretcher. It was the scariest thing I had ever had to go through in my entire life. Why in the hell was this happening? CC was such a good kid! I mean he is soo happy right now with his life. What the hell. This was my bestfriend.

"We are almost there." The medic said finally. I was so scared I was shaking. Yes, me Ashley Purdy was scared.

"When we take him in we wil need you to wait in the lobby and I need you to call his family" The medic said to me.

"I will." I said back. Oh shit, I have to call Abby and tell her...

----Abby's POV----

Finally! My phone rang and CC's ringtone came on and his face appeared. I answered it as I always have,"Hey my prince how are you? "

"Abby, it's Ashley" Ashley said quietly. Oh no... Why was Ashley using CC'sphone?

"Ash?... What's going on why do you sound so quiet?" I said trying not to cry.

"Abby It's CC." Ashley cried into the phone. I couldn't hold the tears back anymore.

"What happened?..."

"I don't know! I walked out to see him and ask if he wanted to go to starbucks... I walked through the bus and saw him laying in the floor. He wasn't moving so I callled the medics. They brought him here to the hospital. I am so scared. He looked so plae." Ash cried into the phone. "The doctors back I will message you in just a minute.

----Ashleys POV----

"Mr. Purdy? I need to speak with you." The Docotr said.

"Your friend is waking up if you would like to see him. He hit his head fairly hard. So don't be to loud and try not to upset him." Doc said.

"Okay" I said and ran to CC's room. He was hooked to all these wires.

Just then all of the guys ran in there.

"We got here as soon as we could. Sorry!" Andy said.

"How is he?" Jake asked.

I told them everything the doctor had told me.

They all looked sad but I told them it would be ok.

Just then CC started moving and we alll ran to his side. He opened his eyes looked around. Then saw us and screamed. What? Just then he yelled again and said.

"Who the fuck are all of you??" He looked terrified.


(Sorry I know I'm eaving you all hanging. lovesickmelody6 : I'm still hope you are feeling better! You guys should go fan her! And all of my other fans. They are awesome! <3 you guys!)

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