Nothing but a Memory.

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----CC's POV----

Who the hell are these people and why are they in here? Where am I? Who am I? What is happening. Why am I so scared? Why so many questions.

Just then the kind of girly looking one with long black hair said," CC? Dude whats wrong?"

He looked so concerned. Who was he? A friend? Enemy?

"W-w-who are you guys?" I stuttered.

"I'm Ashley. You are my bestfriend and my band mate." The one that looked like a girl to me said.

"I'm Jinxx. Your practically my brother CC. I play guitar in a band you are in" The shorter of the group said. They all had black hair.

"I am Andy. I come in peace" The tallest of the group said. That comment made everyone stare at him evily.

I swear if looks could kill...

"Really though CC I'm Andy. Your friend and the singer of Black Veil Brides." He said again.

The last one to speak was somewhat the quietist. He hadn't spoken.

"I'm Jake. The other guitar player." He said softly.

"I guess it is nice to meet you all" I said unsure of what to say.

Just then then the doctor came in and asked them all to leave. They all said goodbye and Ashley and Andy even gave me hugs.

"Alright Mr. Mora. Tell me what you remember. Is there anything?"

"No nothing..." I said with tears threatning to flow over. I was so scared. Why couldn't I remember anything?

----Abby's POV----

I was crying so much I had made myself sick. It had been an hour since Ashley said he would message me. What was going on? I wanted to know how He was doing.

I had to go lie down for a minute. I felt horrible. All of this worry was giving me a headache. I layed there for 5 minutes and my phone suddenly went off.

Ash- Hey Abby. It's Ashley. CC is awake.

My heart jumped. Yay!

Abby- Yay! Tell him I love him and I miss him!

Ash- Abby... I would but I don't think that is a good idea.

What? My heart fell. What was going on?

Abby- Why?

Ash- He doesn't know who we are. Any of us.

Abby- Oh my. Maybe he would remember me?

Ash- I don't know. Lilliah and Addie are on there way.

Abby- I will be there as soon as I can get a flight.

Ash- K.

Oh my godd. CC. My prince. He couldn't remember anyone. My heart was breaking at the thought. I hurried and got plane tickets and within 6 hours I was landing at the airport nearest to the hospital.

----Andy's POV----

I can't believe this happened to CC. Of all of the people. Crazy loveable CC. I miss him.... I just hoped he came out of this.

----Jake's POV----

It was my fault. I left my clothes out by the cabinet. I bet he tripped on them. I hate my self right now. I'm so sorry CC. I didn't mean to. I started crying quietly to myself. Making it look like I was interested in my phone when I really was just trying to hide. I was ashamed. I had caused one of my bestfriends to hurt himself. I'm a suck friend.

----Ashley's POV----

Lilliah came running through the lobby. She saw me and ran into my arms. Addie was right behind her and so was Abby. Lilliah looked at my face and wiped a few stray tears and kissed me. I missed her so much. I held her tight and just cried for a few minutes.

----Abby's POV----

I met Addie I think it was at the airport and we sped to the hospital. We alll ran inside. Lilliah ran to Ash and just stood there and hugged him for a long time. It was so sweet. CC tells me all the time how sweet they are. Addie ran to Andy and they sat down and talked for a while. I stood over by the door. I hadn't noticed Jinxx get up but he walked to me and put his arm around me. He pulled me into a hug and I just cried. I was apparently shaking, Jinxx led me to the chairs and I sat down next to him and cried into his shoulder. Next thing I knew Addie, Andy, Ashley, and Lilliah came over and hugged me. We just sat there until the doctor came out.

"Okay, two at a time. You can go visit him. He has amnesia. It could last for a few hours, days, weeks, or it could be permant. Just be careful and try to be gentle." The Doctor said.

Ashley spoke up first, "Abby and Addie should go first." Everyone nodded and agreed.

I got up and Addie did too. She grabbed my hand and said, "Look, we can do this. For CC." She had tears in her eyes. Everyone did. I walked back to the room with Addie. Here goes nothing.

----CC's POV----

I was so upset and confused. Why me? Just then this beautiful girl walked in with another girl. This girl was beautiful she reminded me of a diamond.

She looked at me with sad eyes. "CC it's Abby. Your girlfriend."

Hell, she was MY girlfriend? I was one lucky kid.

"Nice to meet you, again Abby..." I said shyly.

The girl that came in with her spoke up next. "Hey Cupcake. It's Addie. Your bestfriend and Andy's girlfriend." She looked like she was about to cry.

Just then Abby came over and pulled a chair up. At first she just stared at me. Then she began to silenty cry. I felt the need to comfort her somehow. I needed to.

"CC, no matter how long it takes you to remember.I will never leave you. I promise." She said to me. She slowy moved her hand to mine. I grabbed it. I felt a spark. Just like that I remembered everything. "Holy Shit. Ab's! Addie! I missed you guys!" They stared at me open mouthed for a second. Then they both jumped on my and hugged me tight. I was starting to remember.

(AHHHH XD I couldn't leave you guys hanging. I will update soon! Comments, Votes, and Fans are appreciated!!!))

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