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                                           -The first time that Taehyung entered the adoption center, he almost missed the bunny hybrid

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The first time that Taehyung entered the adoption center, he almost missed the bunny hybrid. Which was weird, considering his height and amount of lanky limbs. But Namjoon didn't seem all too interested in the prospect of a visitor. If Taehyung asked him now, he'd probably say that he didn't like to get his hopes up.

Namjoon was different than the rest of the hybrids in the facility, and it was obvious in his appearance, as he sat in the garden area, curled into himself. The rest of the hybrids there all matched their appearance; from the kitten with sharp eyes and a stoic expression, to the overexcited puppy with a sunny expression. Except Namjoon.

In fact, Taehyung wouldn't have assumed him to be a bunny, if it weren't for the long, droopy ears on his head; and the little cotton ball tail on his backside. In all honesty, the only off-putting thing was his long and toned body. It seemed to match more to the of a wolf. But it was a cute difference; most definitely endearing to Taehyung, who had approached him first.


"Hi! I'm Taehyung!" He'd greeted, startling the poor guy.

"...H-hello. I'm Namjoon."

"Well Namjoon, why don't we get to know each other? I could use a cute bunny to keep me motivated at home."


From that moment, the two had hit it off quite well. Taehyung returned to the facility every week to check on the younger male, and was always greeted in the lounge area; unlike the first time that they'd met. He learned that Namjoon really liked the stars, and had never been adopted out. He also learned that the other male had few friends at the center, but that he didn't mind because he spent most of his time reading in a secluded corner.

With each little thing he learned, Taehyung filled out a different paper in the adoption packet. He never brought the prospect of Namjoon going him with him up; because he could see the hopefulness in the bunny's eyes, and he wasn't too sure if they would deem him fit to adopt, yet. Taehyung wasn't too doubtful, though, and he turned in the papers no matter the possibility of being rejected.

But on the second month of his regular visits, the woman at the front desk greeted him with something a little different. The packet that he'd turned in, was marked with a stamp of approval. He was still in a daze as he made his way to Namjoon's room to inform the bunny of his adoption.

It was horrible of him to find Namjoon's crying cute. But it couldn't be helped, when the fluffy little ears started to twitch and his entire body shook. Taehyung had been concerned at first, but then the bunny was stumbling into his arms with a repetitive 'thank you' falling from his lips. He decided that this was the best choice he'd made all year.


Living with Namjoon was fairly easy. He didn't leave a mess, and he waited patiently every day for Taehyung to return home; tucked in the couch corner, reading a selection of books that had been given to him. Whenever Taehyung got home, he was greeted with a shy kiss from the flustered bunny. Since neither of them could cook too well, they ate out more often than not, or Taehyung would attempt to buy them healthy, cooked foods from the grocery store.

Everything was easy; aside from their sexual life. There wasn't too much for Taehyung to complain about. Namjoon was obedient and always so tight around him; practically oozing slick from his arousal. The biggest problem, was his refractory period. The hybrid could last round after round, and by the time he got off of Taehyung's poor dick, the older man could hardly tell that it was even connected to his body anymore. He wasn't used to cumming so much, and at some point, there was hardly anything left in him to really be considered 'cumming.' He was just dry orgasming his way through the night.


"N-Namjoon, baby, slow down." Taehyung whimpered out, as the bunny bounced lightly on his spent cock.

"O-oppa, feels so good. C-can't stop." The bunny sobbed out, hands making little fists against Taehyung's chest as he lifted off and dropped down again.

Taehyung had a hard time saying anything more. His mouth was dropped open in a string of painful curses; the arousal only making a slight relief as he bucked up into Namjoon and came for the third time that night. He never imagined that sex would make him feel this exhausted, and he knew that he could do three rounds in one night; but he needed some time to gather himself. The continuous round after round was proving his refractory period was shit compared to the overeager bunny, who was already circling his hips again.


That's how they found themselves right back at the adoption center. Which Namjoon had cried in the car about for over an hour; apologizing and claiming that he'd never have sex again, if Taehyung would just take him back. It shouldn't have been as endearing as it was, when Taehyung glanced over and gently told the bunny that he wasn't going back. They just needed to do some things at the facility.

"Are you sure?" Namjoon asked, peeking out from behind the floppy ear that he'd pulled to cover his eyes.

"I'm sure, baby." Taehyung promised smoothly, offering him a boxy grin as he pulled into the parking lot. "In fact, I'm so sure, that you don't even have to exit the car if you don't want to."

"I want to go with you," the bunny answered quickly, already unbuckling his seatbelt.

"Alright, angel. Let's go inside."


"O-oppa? Who is this?" Namjoon asked as he was met with a taller frame, muscled out and very obviously a wolf.

If it weren't for the others facial features, soft and bunny-toothed, he'd be the average looking wolf hybrid. He was taller than Namjoon, and his build looked stronger, too. But the second he opened his mouth, Namjoon didn't feel anything but a soft, blooming fondness in his chest. This hybrid was different, like him. Not too different, because he fit the description of his sub-gender, for the most part; but enough to make Namjoon feel included.

"Namjoon, baby, this is your new mate."


Oof, this might be the longest first chapter that I've ever written. But hopefully it isn't too much of a let down! I'm trying to get all my books up and running, because my summer break is a little shorter than usual.

I have a meeting with my new school on Thursday, and I hope it turns out alright. I don't know anyone that'll be going there, so I'm a little stressed out (,:

Anyway, enjoy!

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