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I breathe out smoke and head inside a door with a yellow don't enter sign. I then sit on a velvet red stilted high-chair of a lighted mirror.

A drag man, Gigi, walks in with makeup in his hands. He says that "I'm going to stay this time" and continues to put primer on my face. He asks "what's wrong, your not yourself today". "Is it weather, jet lag?" Gigi says.

I scrub my eyes to remove a eyebugger while saying "yes". He says "Aww, poor baby" as she finishes my makeup. A lady then walks in with a baggy white jacket and nude knee-high boots. I wear the outfit and while he works on my hair.

After he's done, I start walking towards the stage. I see a man holding a cape, mask, and a headphone piece, I put it on. The curtains open, very slowly, I walk out.

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