Chapter 3: A Brunette In A Baby Blue Dress

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Hey! Here's chapter 3 in Liam's P.O.V. of the dance. Hope you like it!


Liam's P.O.V.

"Hey, brother! Long time no see!"

I looked over and saw Dustin walking over towards me with a huge grin on his face.

Dustin Harrison—the epitome of a guy's best friend. He's there to cause trouble and stick with you through think and thin until the end.

He was dressed identical to me—a black tux with a mask that covered half of his face. The only differences were his sandy blonde hair that was tousled and swept to the side and the color of his mask. Mine was black and his was white.

Although his mask disguised his identity, I'd still be able to spot him a mile away.

He stood beside me. "What's new?"

I sighed. "Besides being forced to attend this thing, my dad got offered a job—"

"Really?" His eyes shone with glee. "Tell him I said congrats—"

"That's supposedly in Malibu," I finished. Dustin's smile instantly fell. "We're moving sometime soon."

He blew out a bummed whistle. "Well, shit..."

"Yeah." I nodded, understanding how shocked he must be. I was shocked too when my parents told me the news.

After talking for a few more minutes, I excused myself. The shock was still evident in his eyes, so I decided to leave him be and let it sink in.

"I'll be back. I'm just going to check up on the fam and probably get some food."

Dustin gave me a smile that didn't really reach his eyes. "Sure, man. I'll probably go look for my parents, too. They told me to find them every few hours or so."

Once bidding our goodbyes, we headed off in separate directions.

As I was making my way around the room, a small figure bumped into me out of nowhere. I glanced down and found a beautiful brunette in a sparkling blue dress. A gorgeous white mask with a flower on the side of it covered her face.

I was taken aback by her appearance and my breath caught in my throat.

She mumbled a soft "sorry" without looking up and scurried away before I could utter a word. My eyes followed her as she made her way through the crowd of people until I couldn't see her anymore.

Damn. I have to remember to keep a look out for her tonight.

Breaking from my thoughts, I made my way towards the foods table.

I stopped in my tracks when I spotted the same beautiful brunette in the line waiting for food.

What a coincidence...

She was staring off into space when I walked up in front of her. She didn't notice me until I started poking her shoulder trying to get her attention.

I have to admit, it was pretty amusing watching her doze off to her own little world.

She snapped out of her dream and looked up. I could tell she didn't know who I was due to the confusion in her warm brown eyes. Hoping to clear her memory, I bent down to her ear level and smirked.

"You know it's pretty rude not to say a proper apology to someone you bumped into."

What I said must've done the trick because her eyes widened and her cheeks turned a pink blush. I stood back up satisfied.

"Oh. . . uh. . . sorry?" she said, her angelic voice a mere whisper. The apology come out more like a question, making it harder to hide the smirk that wanted to etch its way onto my face.

I raised a questioning eyebrow at her. "That still didn't sound like a proper apology."

I tried thinking of another way to get a reaction out of her. There is something about her that makes her so alluring. An idea formed.

"You know what?" I asked. "Instead of an apology, you owe me a dance."

Her shoulders tensed.

"Umm.... Maybe later." She jutted her thumb in the direction of the food. "I am in need of food right now and I– I have my family. Bye?"

Her response almost had me releasing the chuckle that wanted to escape. I watched her walk away again.

I felt a tug in my chest.

That was the second time today I watched her walk away from me.

* * * * * *

After getting food, I quickly ate it.

I got up to go find Dustin when I felt a tug on my leg. I look down and found my younger sister Lily smiling up at me.

"Lia, who was the princess you were talking to?" she asked.

Ever since she was a baby she would always say my name incorrectly. Even when she learned to pronounce it right, she stuck to calling me Lia. I get annoyed by it sometimes, but it makes her happy so I let her be.

"I don't know."

My mind went back to the beautiful brunette from before.

"Well, she is really pretty," she said, looking up at me with her signature toothy grin.

I smiled. "Yeah, I agree with you on that one. She is really pretty." I looked down at her as she hugged my side.

When I glanced back up, my eyes immediately spotted the girl in the blue dress.

"Excuse me, Lily."

She let go of me with a curious look. Her gaze followed mine and when she saw the princess she turned to me and gave a thumbs up. She skipped to where our family was.

Once knowing she was safe, I made my way over to the brunette.

She was talking to a small girl who is probably her younger sister because of their similar hair color.

But I could be wrong.

And like before, she started walking without looking where she was going and crashed right into me. She glanced up—surprise evident on her feminine features when she saw that the person she bumped into was me.

I smirked. "Well, hello again."


How was chapter 3? It's getting pretty interesting *slyly smirks*

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Thanks for reading and have a good day, you MARVELOUS people!

NEXT UPDATE: Later today/ tomorrow

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