Insanely Levitated

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"Your phone," Cashmere said nonchantly, and once more situated herself on my bed, "Is ringing."

I groaned. I threw the nailpolish remover and grabbed my iPhone, while reaching out to get a Cheeto out of Cashmere's hand. Its always like these type of weird moments when either I'm over at Cashmere's or if shes over at mine.

The gum popping.

The crunching.

The Levitee-your-phone-is-ringing moments. Its ridiculous, I know. But being a tall, brunette with a flat chest doesn't get you around places does it?

"Who was it?" Cashmere said without looking up from her phone.

"Oh," I said, getting back into reality, "its just a Chase Survey."



Ok, lets start with the basics. The names Levitee Chaffe. Tall, 16, Wavy hair, Chips-addict. Currently attending Delevana Highschool, with I first mistaken as a farm. 

Seriously I actually thought it was a farm, but its bigger than an average University.

Wait why did I think it was a farm in the first place?

"Farm? What farm?"

I looked up to see a confused face. Oh Cashmere.

I blushed. "Sorry... I was uh-"

"-talking to yourself and didn't realize you were talking aloud. Levi I know."

There you go, Cashmere. Finishing my sentences again.

Cashmere is all I can wish for basically: Blonde, fair-skin, tall, 16, Cute Bouncy hair, huge chest, book-addict. I'm not really into books, but Cashmere is a diferent story. Magazines, Dramas, Novels, you name it. I'm a food addict, and hardly gain weight. Especially chips.

"Levi you know Vy?"

"Yeah why?" I stood up and sat next to her on my now-messy bed.

"She aced the geometry test. Again. What a nerd."

"Hey. Don't say that. A nerd is a intellectual badass, so calling her a nerd is a clear oppisite of your pottery artwork."

"Uh hello Levi? Pottery gets me dirty?"

"Well YOLO. I didn't tell you to take it."

She pouted. "Yes you did."


Now its her turn to attack. "Levi I always have your back. You can't stand anything."

Uh no, not the speech The speech where Cashmere defines the law of self standing and to be yourself. I groaned loudly and hid my head under the pillow.

Cashmere is right though. She always takes on my challenges. She's mainly that verse from one of her favorite songs:

"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger."

I somehow beleive in that and don't at the same time. And that results in my dumb head that I'm useless and have to be looked after. Especially if you have one mother.

"... and thats why I shouldn't be always there for you."

Cashmere then stood up, rubbing her back. "Levitee its 5:43. I have to get going."

"No prob. I'll see yeah at school tomorrow, kay?"

"Kay! See ya." She did jazz hands and closed the door behind her.

I didn't realize this is going to be the last time we would be seeing eachother again.

I then have nothing to fall back on.

Or ever.


Author Note:

OMFG I FINALLY PUBLISHED MY FIRST CHAPTER!! Trust me its hard to come up with ideas so fast.

Everything will get better, please bear with me. I promise.

I made this chapter short on purpose to show you how they used to be. It'll get longer soon.

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