Mya:"No one is stopping you." Tae:" I'm Tae. This is Jay and Ty." Mya:" I'm Mya. This is Jazz and Ally. " Ty:" What y'all doing after school?" Mya:" Detention." Tae:" Me too." Mya:" How did you get detention?" Tae:" Mr. Allen. " Mya:" Me too. I guess not having a textbook is a crime." Jazz:" You were talking back. " Jay:" No one back talks Mr. Allen." Mya:" Guess that changed today. " In dance class Mrs. Cater:" Mya, Ally, and Jazz. Each of you needs to preform a dance." GRLPWR:" Ok." Ally
Mrs. Carter:" Great moves. Tomorrow we will pick Partners for love songs. Next week you will preform your dances." Everyone:" Ok." In detention Mya:" This is depressing. " Tae:" It's more depressing when Mr. Allen is here. " Mya:" His class is depressing enough. How could this get any worse?" Tae:" Trust me, it can. " Mya:" Haha. Shut up before we get detention again." At home Ally:" I'm ready for Netflix and pizza!" Mya:" Yassss!" Jazz:" Bless it. " Later that night Mya's room
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Mya: I have to tell you something. Ally: What Mya: I like Tae. Jazz: What!?! Mya: He gets me. I know you're gonna say " you just met him." Jazz: I'm not. I like Jay. Ally: I like Ty. Mya: Thanks for understanding. Jazz and ally: You're welcome. All: Goodnight. ???: Mya, What I'm about to tell you is very important. Do you understand? Mya: Yes. ???: Ally, do you understand? Ally: Yes. ???: Jazz, do you understand? Jazz: I do. ???: You can not tell anyone except for the rest of GRLPWR and Tae, Jay, and Ty.