Ally: How are we going to tell the boys that we're spies? Mya: Let's invite them over for a movie night or something? Jazz: I think that's the best idea you've ever had. Mya: Really? Jazz: Yes. Mya: Rude! Jazz: I'm kidding. Mya: Ok. Later that night Ally
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Then there was a knock on the door Mya: Hey. Come in. After the popcorn was popped and the pizza came Jazz: What movie do you want to watch? Jay: I don't know. Jazz: What about the little rascals? Jay: Ok. After the the movie Jazz: The reason that we invited you over is to tell you something. Mya: You're pregnant?!? Jazz: No. We're spies. Ty: We know. Ally: How? Tae: We got a phone call telling us everything and so are we. Mya: I knew we something else in common. Jay: You start training tomorrow morning. Mya: What time? Ty: 7 o'clock Mya: In the morning?!? Ty: Yes. Mya: Jazz wake me up. Jazz: I always do.