Chapter 7: Confessions of a common ground

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(Kaito's P.O.V)

Kaito sat alone on the table outside in the courtyard, gazing up at the morning sky through the metal bars that caged him in. He decided to skip seeing (F/N) this morning as to not wake her. All he wanted were the circles under her eyes to go away, and to allow that to happen, she needed as much sleep as possible. The only thing he did was put a tray of food in front of her door with a note that instructed for her to get more rest after she was done eating. He also put an inspirational quote about how he believes in her, but he'll never admit that. His back rested on the wooden table and his hand behind his head. He needed to relax, too. After all, stressing out caused him to snap at Kirumi and almost scare (F/N) off. All he wanted to do was be able to hold her and keep her safe. That's all he wanted. Who gave a shit if he lived through this? As long as he could see her smiling face and hear her laugh before he left earth, he'd ascend in peace.

Geez... Maybe I do really like her. Kaito thought to himself, letting out a heavy sigh. He nervously tapped his foot on the old wood beneath him, glancing around the courtyard. The thought that Kiyo knew his feelings kept him completely uneasy, as his response to the situation gave Kaito very little reasons to trust (F/N)'s wellbeing around him. Any moment now, he could come up to him and-

"Hello Kaito, enjoying the morning air as well?"

The astronaut practically launched his ass of the table when he suddenly saw Korekiyo's head pop out from absolutely fucking nowhere. The masked man was above him, staring down at him with a confused expression across his face.

"I apologize for the rude awakening from your daydreaming, but you looked quite troubled." Kiyo inquired, taking a seat on the bench beside him.

There was a long moment of silence between the two as they stared up at the sky, watching the clouds roll by. The vibe in the air was solemn, as if something was locked in their hearts, and the words were caught in their throats. They were both holding it all back from one another, scared for the safety of their heart's desire. Kaito wanted nothing to happen to her, even if it meant risking himself. If a bullet were shot at her golden heart, he'd take a thousand of them before he let even a single one graze her cheek. Kaito didn't want to look over at the masked man, terrified of the grin that may be hidden under his dark mask. He kept his eyes on the sky, he didn't want to...

"You know... It appears that in the end, we both have identical priorities when it comes to the one we must protect in this hostile world." He whispered.

Kaito's breath caught in his throat. He didn't dare to look over at Kiyo, he didn't know what he was talking about. Or, did he, and he just didn't want to face his own thoughts?

"We both cherish the same smile that is bestowed upon us each and every day. We both love when she embraces not only our bodies, but our minds, with her sweet words of encouragement. My heart nearly stops when I'm blessed with hearing her vocalize what she enjoys about me. Everything about her as a human being is utterly beautiful..." He sang, resting his crimson cheek in the palm of his bandaged hand. The two of them quickly turned their heads to look at each other, Kaito's eyes wide with shock.

"... And you understand those feelings, too. Don't you?" He softly finished, never once taking his eyes off Kaito.

Suddenly, the floodgates had opened, and he couldn't stop everything from spilling out. His cheeks turned cherry red and he sprang up from his resting position, leaning in closely towards Kiyo. He was feeling everything at once, and he needed to bear his soul. He needed to scream it to the world, because christ all-mighty, he couldn't hold it in anymore.

"H-Have you ever seen the thing she does with her hands when she thanks someone!? The look on her face when someone does even the smallest thing for her is too cute!" He gushed, dramatically pressing his hands to his heart.

"Oh, absolutely. But have you ever seen her when she's angry at her friends? The way she stomps her foot and puffs out her cheeks could make a god fall before her knees. The power of her soft and sweet face make humanity itself cry." Kiyo cooed, embracing himself.

"You ever notice how she can take the worst things and make them awesome? She could make a cloudy day feel like the sun is shining right down on us!"

"She takes advantage of it, as well. While we all huddle indoors, she will dance in the rain like the goddess of spring."

"She looks so delicate, but inside she's fierce and has a soul that burns like the sun! The universe probably does revolve around her!"

"She is a nymph on the outside, but a proud samurai on the inside, ready to fight for the ones she loves. Her passion burns hotter than any sun we know of, her eyes could create a spark that could start a revolution."

"Her body moves so gracefully, even when she stumbles. It's like she's constantly in a state of dancing, able to move through life with insane ease."

"Her hair is like individual strands of silk that shimmer with every movement she makes."

"Even when she's just woken up, she's the prettiest person I've ever seen. Every morning when I see her, it's like my heart can't take it. I want to see her like that every morning the second I open my eyes."

"She's so witty and bright i could listen to her talk about anything and give her my undivided attention. She truly has a way with words."

"The way she speaks about what she loves completely brings me in, man. You can hear the joy in her voice when she talks about her ultimate talent and what she's done with it. I could sit for hours and listen to her voice as the pitch just gets a bit higher when she really gets into it."

"It's like she's a divine deity and we're just her devotees. If I could be with her all the time, I wouldn't need anything else in life. A beautiful human being like her is why I'm such a devout anthropologist."

"It's like she's the center of my universe. Such a small, sweet girl..." Kaito trailed off.

He could feel his heart melting in his chest, like he finally got the see the stars above up close and personal. He couldn't take it anymore. He fell for (F/N), and he fell hard.

But wait a second...

Both of their heartfelt expressions shifted into confusion as they both realized something that put a complete and utter dark undertone to the mood.

"But only one of us can have her." Kiyo spoke, as if he could read Kaito's mind.

Kaito took no time to hesitate, and jumped to his feet. He jutted his thumb at his chest, and stuck out the other hand to Korekiyo.

"Then may the best man win!" Kaito bellowed, bearing his signature toothy grin.

Kiyo looked up at the ultimate astronaut, shocked to his reaction. But they both knew neither of them would back down, not with how much she meant to them both.

Without much hesitation, Kiyo took his hand and shook it firmly.

"May the best man win." 

Written in the Stars (Kaito Momota x Reader Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now