Seventeen: Lost

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It was sunday and Sana sat up from the bed with a skull breaking headache.

"Holy shit, it hurts.." she groan in pain as she grip on her hair tightly. She can't remember anything except Dahyun friendzoned her infront of Jaebum's friends.

She felt a little cold so she laid back and wrapped the blanket around her. "So cold." she uttered, she's freezing and there's no one in the room to turn off the aircon.

It's 1 at noon and her roommate Dahyun might be somewhere, hanging out and happy unlike Sana, she felt hurt and sick at the same time.

"That's ridiculous." Sana whispered to herself as she thought of Dahyun smiling and laughing.

Sana stood up, she's going to turn off the aircon by herself. She felt dizzy as she walk.

"Come on.." she tried to shut her eyes because her vision is spinning, she opened her eyes again and grasp the nearest thing because her vision is getting blurry.

"Unnie!" was the last words she heard before she passed out.


Sana woke up because of the loud chitchats around her, "She's alive!" she recognized Jeongyeon's voice.

Her eyes fluttered as she rose up from the bed, "Unnie, are you feeling alright now?" Sana turned her head to the girl beside her. It was Dahyun holding her hand with eyes full of worry.

"Yes." Sana responded coldly.

The girls surrounded Sana, she felt little suffocated and Jihyo noticed it, "Let's give her some space for a while, girls. Sana, get well very soon." Jihyo said.

The girls leave the room one by one and it was only she and Dahyun who was left. Sana doesn't have any emotions on her eyes, she's just looking intently to the door where the girls exited.

She felt someone touched her forehead, "Your temperature is a bit low now. You should eat, unnie." Dahyun said. Sana didn't answer, she just sighed and pulled back the sheets that's pooling on her feet.

Sana was about to lay back to sleep when Dahyun gripped on her arm. "Unnie.." Dahyun called softly. Sana closed her eyes, as much as she wants to be cold towards the latter, she just can't handle Dahyun.


"You should eat."

Sana faced Dahyun who is now holding a hot porridge on her left hand and a spoon on the right. "Open your mouth." Dahyun commanded, Sana tried her best not to squeel because of Dahyun's cuteness.

"I-I can do it on my own." Sana grab the spoon from Dahyun's hand and puts it on her mouth, "Ouch! Hot!" she exclaimed and she heard a giggle from the girl in front of her.

"You can't do it, let me do this for you unnie, okay?" Dahyun grabbed the spoon from Sana and the older avoided Dahyun's gaze.

Sana thought she can't stand being with Dahyun because of the incident last night on Jaebum's party but then she loves how Dahyun take care of her. How she look concern. Sana felt like falling in love over and over again.

After minutes of feeding Dahyun, Sana spoke up, "Why are you doing this, Dahyun?" she asked. Dahyun didn't answer, she's just looking at the porridge she's holding.

"Why are you showing care?" Sana asked again and this time, Dahyun looked directly at Sana's eyes.

"Why? Is it bad show care to my friend?" Dahyun answered and once again Sana felt her heart ache. She laughed slightly, "Right.." Friends.

Sana looked down, she can't face Dahyun now. She's hurt by the younger's words, she feels like crying anytime.

"Am I not allowed to.." Dahyun paused and lifted up Sana's chin; making the older lock eyes with her, "show care to my future girl?"

Sana was shocked, she couldn't find any words to say. Her heart is racing and she feels like bursting.

What does she mean?

"I know you're hurt because of that 'friend' thingy. I know what I did, I'm sorry." Dahyun smiled, Sana didn't answer, she just staring directly on Dahyun's eyes.

"Believe me or not, I regretted what I said. I wanna rephrase it, it should be, we're just friends for now but she will be my girlfriend soon." Sana's heart is melting on Dahyun's words, she felt the sincerity on it.

"Unnie, I'm aware of your feelings. Actually I have something to confess, I'm inlove with you, Sana unnie. Since the first time I saw you, and my feelings got deeper when you talked to me, when we became close. Not because I addressed you as my friend, doesn't mean it'll end on that. Sometimes, love story starts on the word 'friend'."

"I love you so much, Dahyun-ah." Sana said, Dahyun stared at Sana's hazel brown eyes.

I see the future in your eyes.

"I love you too, Sana unnie."

Sana smiled softly, she doesn't want to look anywhere ever again. Dahyun's eyes is her favorite view. Those eyes makes her happy and safe.

Dahyun felt the same, she won't ever get tired of looking onto Sana's eyes. It's like she's looking on an expensive Art and she never want to look away.

They're lost.

Lost in each other's eyes.

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