My first kiss, besides my mom.

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   "Oh honey, I'm so happy for you," my mom said with a weird smile.
"Thanks, I guess" I said.
"Now you can invite your "boyfriend" to our house, "she laughed.
"Sure, wait NO." I shouted.
"I'm just messing around with you."
I walked away from her. I could not stop thinking about that weird smile my mom made. So creepy.
  Anyways, when I came to my house after the "date," the whole neighborhood knew about it! And guess who told them? Did you guess? Well if you didn't it was my mother! Like what the heck mom?! And the worse thing was that they all brought presents. It was so akward. I just said thank you and ran to my room. Anyways like I told you I'm having an other date. I'm so scare, but happy because Enrique is a nice guy. The date is going to be next week.
  Oh God. Today is my "date" again. This week passed very quickly. We are going to the park and I'm excited. I bought a new dress. It's yellow with white flowers all around it. So pretty.
Enrique texted me yesterday and told me he is going to come to my house! Oh no. God are you testing me?! Breath Michelle, Breath. Everything is going to be okay. I don't mind if he comes, the problem is my mom. I don't know if you have realized but she is not normal.
Someone is at the door. Please don't tell me that's him.
  "Mom, someone is at the door," my lazy brother said.
  "Coming!" My mom shouted.
"No mom. I can open the door for you!" I shouted and running towards the door.
"Hello?" I said.
  "It's Enrique."
"Oh, hi Enrique." I said nervous, "You came early."
"Yeah. I wanted to see you, so..." He said.
  Oh my. He is so sweet.
"Oh, well thank..."
   "Who is it honey?" My mom interrupted.
  "Oh well, hello, "she said, "you must be..."
  "Enrique," he said surprise.
"Nice too meet you, Enrique." She said like she wasn't that one who set up the whole date thing.
  "Michelle why do you leave him outside? Come in."
  I look at my mom. Oh no. Please no.
"Thank you, but me and Michelle want to go to the park and there is an activity and I don't want to be late," he looked at me like saying "I got you."
  Thank you Enrique. I owed you one. But right on the moment I thought everything was fine, right on that moment that I said I was going to grab my purse and my shoes in my room. My mom decided to say "Enrique you should go too. So you can see the house." Really mom?! He said he was fine, but my mom kept insisting so at last he said yes. See, told you my mom ain't normal.  We went to my room. It felt so akward. If my dad knew that I let a boy enter my room. He would have kill me, but he was on a trip from work.
  "I can't find my purse," I said, " nevermind just found it. Let's go before my mom comes and say or do something that is embarrassing."
He laughed.
"Oh, I said that out loud. I'm sorry."
"You are funny," He laughed.
  After he said that everything went fast. He came closer to me and I tried to back off, but I found myself between the wall and him. His face was close to mine. He grabbed my hips and pulled it closer to his body. He was so close I could feel his breathing. I could tell he was nervous. After that I felt his lips touching mine and then he open his mouth. I was confused but because it's my first kiss I open mine too. Then he started to put his tongu... And that's when my mom came.

I know you have realized that my grammar it's not good. The thing is English is my second language and I know what you are thinking "if English is your second language, why do you do write this?" Well, I do it because I want to be better at it. So I'm sorry for my grammar. You can comment any bad spelling or if I'm missing a comma etc. So you can help me be a good writer. Thank you and I hope you like it.

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