The Confrontation

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One week goes on and I can't stop thinking about it. Peter Parker, your average seventeen year old kid is Spiderman. We move back into our office but there is little conversation. How can I even talk to him. What if I am wrong. A lot of tension floats through the room for the week.
By Monday I know I have to say something. I just need to tell him. But I can't at work. Then everyone would get suspicious and maybe more people could find out. If I am right then I have to male sure Peter can trust me. I could help him by assessing danger levels of our people who could be a threat.
"Hey Peter, do you want to come for dinner one night this week?" I ask him. It feels really out of the blue but I am dying to find out if he his Spiderman. "Um, sure. I can ask my Aunt. Would Thursday work?" That was the response I was looking for. "Ya Thursday would be great. See you then." We get back to work immediately. That was awkward. I am sure he has no suspicion that I could know his secret. Will he be offended if it isn't him? Will he get mad that I know? Thursday can't come any sooner.
Thursday evening comes and I here the knock at my door. "Hi Peter. Come in and make yourself at home." I start off. "Thank you. Your apartment is wonderful." I think he has no clue what I am going to ask him. We stand on the terrace while I Barbecue our diner. We eat and then go back out and sit on the terrace. "So peter what else do you do outside of school and The Daily Bugle?" The words come out hesitantly and slowly. "Nothing really just homework and working on my articles and getting pictures." He still doesn't have a clue. "You write the best articles on that Spiderman. I loved your article on the attack at our work." I feel that is a good set up for what is coming next. "Oh ya. Thanks I guess." I can feel him getting more nervous. "You know Peter I started thinking about the attack at The Daily Bugle and started having an interesting thought about you." And here it comes. "Oh really. What kind of thoughts?" Now he is definitely worried. "Peter I found it strange how you ran out of the office, and Spiderman came back in." Oh my goodness I am going to tell him. "Peter I think you are Spiderman." Holy I did it. "What no. That isn't right. Why would you think that?" He gets defensive right away as if he is hiding the truth. "Peter, you don't have to hide it from me. All the signs point to you. The way you describe him and the details in your articles. Your super-sense while The Ravengers shot at the window. You leaving and Spiderman coming back. And finally a secret I have told no one. I can sense the danger of any person by a number above their head. You have a Ten. How could a seventeen year old be a level ten danger threat?" That was hard to get out. Peter sits there speechless. He doesn't know how to respond. "Well then yes you are right Orlando. My name is Peter Parker. I am also Spiderman."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2018 ⏰

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