Part 2

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Takayanagi Akane was out taking pictures. Her favorite hobby, as well as her job, now she's an official photographer. Now that she had graduated from the group, she took more time in enjoying the rest of her life. Taking care of her birds, enjoying her work, and also...

"Daichi!" She called for her husband. "Come here! I want you for this shot!"

"Eh? Me?"

"Come on~ Stand here," she took her husband's hand and dragged him to the center of the backdrop she had put. "Trust me, you'll look amazing."

"Alright, but make it quick, Akane, I've got work in 15 minutes."

"I'll try to."

Akane readied her camera and started taking several shots of her husband. Daichi wasn't all too sure what to do at first, but after Akane told him just to be casual, he became a bit more relaxed.

"Ooh~ these are really good!"

As for his work, Daichi was your average office worker. His pay was high enough to secure them a home, as well as to spoil his wife.

"Yosh! Perfect!"

"Are you going to use it for the article?" Daichi asked.

"Nope. Just wanted some shots of my handsome hubby." Akane snickered.

"I'm flattered~ But I'm not as beautiful as my bird loving wife~"


"Anyway, I'll be off to work now."

They kissed for a short moment before he left, on his way. Akane simply smiled and headed the opposite direction, looking through her photos and giggling at her husband's photos.

When she looked up, she then saw a beautiful sight of the park, the cherry blossom trees blooming. She felt relaxed at the sight and took a few photos, admiring the beauty. As she was looking, she didn't notice a certain someone come from behind and cover her eyes.

"Guess who~?"

Akane recognized the voice and grinned.


"Yup!" Furukawa Airi, a growing artist, took her hands off Akane's face. "Hisashiburi."

"What brings you here?"

"I just wanted to do something with my bird loving friend~"

"Oh? What's that?"

"Hai." Here, Airi took out two bentos. "Picnic in the park, underneath the cherry blossoms, sound good to you?"

"Sounds alright to me."

"Alright. Let's go then."

The two found a bench under one of the cherry trees to sit down in. Airi gave her one of the bentos and started to open up hers. Akane opened hers up and saw how it was beautifully made. The omelette even had a heart drawn in ketchup.

"How's your career going?" Akane asked.

"It's not that bad. I've got a few recommendations to finish, but other than that, I'm not doing too much."

"It's good that you're at least still involved with manga."

"Yeah, it is, huh? I mean, Maimai's going somewhat in the same direction. I'm expecting a collaboration soon."

Akane chuckled. "Figures she'd get involved with that."

Airi munched on some of her rice, then asked, "How 'bout you? How's photography doing?"

"It's not that bad either. I've done some family portraits, some photos for some magazine articles and well, I'm just out and about."

"Have you done anything for SKE?"

Akane took a bite of an octopus shaped hot dog while thinking.

"Hmm... recently, there was one photoshoot I did. It was for Jurina."

Airi smiled. "How is she doing?"

"Good. But she still misses Rena."

"I can understand."

"That girl, she really cares about her."

"'Cares' is an understatement."

At that comment, the two laughed.

Then, Akane looked out and saw a young woman standing out in the park, looking at the cherry blossom trees.

"Uwaa~ kirei," she said. She quickly seized the opportunity and got out her camera, taking a shot. She looked at the photo and stared amazed. "Wow~ that looks amazing!"

"Who is that?" Airi said, seeing as how the girl was far away, her back facing them, so they couldn't see who it was.

"I dunno, but I'm gonna see if she wants to be my next model!" Akane started running towards the woman, Airi following behind. "Excuse me! Miss!"


When the woman turned to face them, it turned out to be none other than Rena.

Akane stopped running and stood shocked. Airi caught up to her, holding her shoulder.

"What the heck, Churi? Don't just suddenly run off!"

"Airin... Look," Akane pointed at the woman in front of them.

Airi's eyes widened. "It can't be..!"

Rena's eyebrows furrowed. She walked towards the two girls.

"Did you two need something?" Rena asked.

Akane's eyes teared up. She hugged Rena tightly and started bawling, startling the latter. Airi did the same and hugged Rena. The woman just stood confused. She had no idea who these two were, but she figured that they knew who she was, and she did feel something nostalgic from the two hugging her.

"Rena! You're back!"

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