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C H A P T E R   1

Since the day I was born I've always known I was different. Storms have always called to me. When I was five, I got so mad at my parents that it started raining over our house- and only our house. When I was 12, my "best friends" pushed me into a locker and called me names. All of the water fountains in the East wing exploded into a frenzy. Now I'm 16, and about to start my junior year in high school. I'm not scared in the least. All these kids know to stay away from me. I've heard the names they called me as I walk down the halls. To say the least, I'm disappointed. I have such a great, horrible reputation and yet the best they can come up with is Psychic girl and Stormy?
Still, no one talks to me- which is a plus. It's just me, my writing and my earbuds.
     When the "big day" finally came, my mom was  all over me, fussing with my excessively curly hair and snapping  stupid photos with her phone left and right. After I had enough time of being a fist day of school model, I grabbed my small book bag and walked out the door.
"Bye mom. See you at 5" I yelled
"See you at 5" she yelled back through the open door. As I walked to school I saw threatening clouds along the bright blue cloudless horizon, I smiled, today it would storm. I could feel the humidity in the air as the last bit of summer  fought for every last breath of warm air. I reached the school that I had been going to for two years, I couldn't believe how ugly I was as a freshman. Ugh, I had definitely matured since then. I walked down the main corridor all the way to the end and took a right. The end of the long hall was silent, as it should be. I walked down to the music room and pulled my instrument off the rack. I plucked the strings and fine-tuned the cello so I could play it in perfection. I grabbed my bow and pulled a stand and chair near me. I plopped a rock-stop on the ground to keep my cello steady and pulled down the end pin. I closed my eyes and began to play. The song I knew by heart and soul poured out of the cello going out through the still open doors leading to the hallway. All the teachers knew that I missed homeroom for this particular reason, so luckily, no one bothered me. That is, until I heard a breathless 'wow' echo through the room. I swiftly turned in my chair, bow in hand, ready to smack anyone who dared to disturb me during my song. I immediately met the stormy blue-grey eyes of a black haired boy. He seemed to be lost in space so I cleared my throat. He snapped out of it quickly and shyly  smiled, embarrassed for being caught listening. I knew most of the kids in the school- for safety reasons, obviously, but I had never seen his face before. He's either a new freshman or new. Time seem to stretch on and on as he stared into my eyes and I stared into his.
"Ah my names Scure..." he said, his eyes not leaving mine.
" My names Lilith. I'm a junior" I stated mater-of-factly.
"I'm a junior too." His accent stuck out like nobody's business and for some reason it made him extremely attractive.
There was a pause.
"So what are you doing here exactly?" I asked.

"Oh well, I'm... new here?" He cursed under his breath.

"Really? I wouldn't have guessed" I joked

"Seriously? Because I thinking that I stick  out like a sore thumb and I don't know, I guess my cover isn'-" he rambled.

"Okay stop. That was sarcasm. Of course I knew you were new! You stick out like a sore thumb. Besides, I know almost everyone in this school."

All he said was "oh" while sheepishly smiling. I began to put my instrument away and noticed that he had closed his eyes and was holding his palms up to the ceiling.

I furrowed my eyebrows together and asked,
"What are you doing with your hands?"He was dumbfounded for a second. Then he looked down and cursed while quickly changing his hand positions to by his side. It looked rigid and unnatural. It made him stick out even more than his British accent did. (And his good looks but that was completely irrelevant)
When I finished putting my instrument away I slung my backpack over my shoulder and confidently walked over to him only to find him a few inches taller than my 5"9 height, his black, unruly hair making him at least an inch taller than 6 foot. When I got a closer look, I became completely enraptured by his perfect features. No acne, perfect eyebrows (that's a thing), gorgeous stormy blue eyes. His eyes were mostly that stormy blue color but the middle, they had flecks of silver making them stick out valiantly. I also noticed a small line of splattered freckles along the bridge of his nose. His lips look soft enough to kiss and his hair was a masterpiece.  Soft and silky enough to be a babies blanket, at least that's what it looked like.

"Are you done staring at my beautiful face?", my jaw dropped, "Can we have an actual conversation now?" He smirked. Three seconds later he was just stunned as I was. He ran his long fingers through his soft black locks.

"This is so bad" He wined.

By then I knew I had already missed half of my first class but I was so captivated that I didn't care.

"So did you wanna ask me something because it's already halfway through first period..." I asked feigning anxiousness about being late.

"Oh yea", he chuckled nervously, "could you show me where room 234 is?"

I sighed giving  him 'the look' but inside I was squealing because that was my first class too.

"Fine", I said, "but first show me your schedule" I put a commanding tone in my voice just in case he said no. I smiled when I saw that we had almost every class together, except science. Science was my worst subject. He was taking AP, I wasn't.

"Looks like you have everything with me except science" I stated while giving him his schedule back. His expression was a mixture of happy, relived, and surprised. He turned to walk out of the music room expecting I would walk ahead of him and lead the way and I would, but first I had to hide my smile. Maybe junior year wouldn't be so bad after all.

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