Chapter Five - Larry Stylinson - Buried

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    “Lou we can’t.”

            Louis was midway through slipping his shoe on as he stopped to smile mischievously at his best friend, “Why not?”

            “You know why not,” Harry replied but his voice already sounded resigned to whatever demands the older boy would next ask him. He knew he was horrible at saying no to anything Louis asked of him. Harry glanced around the hotel room looking for his own jacket when Louis answered, his tone sounding victorious.

            “We don’t work tomorrow,” Louis ticked off a finger for each reason, “The lads are all asleep. Paul went to bed. And a girl at the signing told me a place to go where we won’t get ID’d.”

            “She did?” Harry couldn’t help feeling slightly excited. After every performance Harry always had an abundance of energy and a recklessness that came from the incredible adrenaline of being onstage. As he slipped his phone into his pocket and headed towards Louis their eyes met and Harry could see the same urgency to release the built up exhilaration. There was an especially noticeable glint in Louis’ bright blue eyes which sent ripples of pleasure through Harry and not only because they hinted at a fun night.

            The bar wasn’t fair from the hotel and Harry could hear the music even from a few blocks away. A few young women stood outside and on instinct Harry felt himself tense in anticipation of the screams that usually accompanied the presence of girls. Louis, who even when walking had a tendency to keep their bodies in some sort of contact, felt the muscles in the younger boy’s arm stiffen. He turned to grin at his best friend.

            “Relax Haz,” Louis said confidently and he winked as they walked past the girls who gave the older boy an impressed up and down but otherwise seemed oblivious to his presence, “they don’t know who we are.”

            As per usual Harry’s anxiety slipped away upon Louis’ reassurance, and he followed the older boy up to the bar. Despite the fact it was a Tuesday night, it was quite busy and a few couples even dared to dance along to the music. Louis was ordering them a drink when the girls from outside came up from behind them and the brunette sat down beside Harry.

            “You’re those boys,” she said boldly swinging the stool around so that she faced him.

            Harry arched his brow, “Those boys?”

            Louis slid the drink in front of Harry and he grinned at the girls before tossing back a perfectly executed line, “We prefer those seductively stylish men actually.”

            The brunette looked pleased by his answer as the girl to her left burst out laughing. Harry grinned as he turned back to face his best friend and Louis winked. For a moment Harry thought the girls were about to leave before the brunette leaned over the counter to call out to the bartender, “We’re going to need a round of shots.”

            Louis leaned across Harry to get a better view of her. Her friends were shrugging off their jackets and taking their own spots at the bar. The bartender set down a tray of shot glasses, moving swiftly as he filled each with surprisingly fluidness.

            “So,” the brunette said pushing the tray towards them, “you boys paying for this round or the next one?”


            “Louis shut up,” Harry hissed as they crept down the hallway of the hotel. Harry had his hand out to guide them along the wall, the darkness and his intoxication making it difficult to follow a straight line. Louis was giggling beside him and although Harry had his arm over the older boys’ shoulder Louis still stumbled and swayed as they made their way towards their room. One of Louis’ hands held tightly on Harry’s waist while the other holding his phone. The light from the screen felt uncommonly bright to Harry and he squinted as he attempted to look at Louis.

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