Chapter Six - Larry Stylinson - Buried

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  As Harry slid into the hot water, his mind flickered back to the night before. Images of half carrying half dragging Louis from the bathroom to the warm bedroom filled his thoughts as he glanced around the empty swimming pool in the hotel. There had been no opportunity for the two boys to talk yet and on Harry’s part this was intentional. He had risen early, and slipped from the room before the older boy had woken up. Seeking refuge in the abandoned hot tub, Harry slid deeper into the water, letting the small waves lapse against his skin. His head pounded faintly, a small hangover teasing him as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back against the cool tile of the pool. Harry’s skin still tingled as though even now Louis’ lips were still working their way down his body, as though the older boy was still touching him. He pushed back the thoughts as a hot flush spread up the back of his neck. Deep in his abdomen a dull ache throbbed relentlessly.


            Niall’s voice interrupted his thoughts, surprise mingling with the sleepiness as the blond boy regarded Harry.

            “We’ve been looking for you,” Niall continued, “You weren’t in your room.”

            “Sorry,” Harry apologized and moving slowly he used the step in the pool to pull himself out of the water. Standing made his head rush and he steadied himself against the railing as his vision blurred. Patiently he waited for the world to refocus and he now glanced back up to face Niall. The blue eyes were wide and Niall stared at his chest with a parted mouth. Momentary confusion washed over Harry before with surprising force last night’s events flashed before his eyes and he realized what Niall must be staring at. Cursing he reached down to the pool deck and flung his t-shirt back over his marked skin.

            Niall watched in silence, his face still frozen in shock. Harry could almost hear the wheels churning in Niall’s brain as the blond boy attempted to account for the many bruises which covered Harry’s torso.

            “What…” Niall began but his voice drifted off, “…who?”

            Harry blinked. He could hardly tell the truth. Could he?

            “Umm,” he started but Niall cut him off.

            “Did you go out?” his accent seemed to strengthen in his confusion.

            “Sorta,” Harry admitted and he caught his reflection in the mirror as they walked through the doors of the pool. He cursed the still very visible marks that decorated the curves of his neck. Niall was silent, still working through his thoughts.

            “Weren’t you and Lou-“

            Understanding brightened in the blue eyes that scrutinized Harry “-oh.”

            “Just leave it,” Harry snapped, inwardly groaning as Niall’s mouth widened further. The blond boy suddenly burst out laughing and reached for the collar of Harry’s shirt pulling it back and looking down at Harry’s chest. Harry smacked him away.

            “Get off Niall,” his voice was rougher than he meant it to be but Niall seemed unaffected by the harshness of Harry’s tone.

            “Jesus,” Niall’s voice was a mixture of awe and surprise, “he left fucking teeth marks on you.”

            This time Harry’s exasperated groan broke from his pursed lips and Niall’s laughter built to an almost hysterical gasping for breath. They had reached the elevator and as Niall leaned against the wall for support Harry pressed the button to close the doors. Niall looked up just in time to see Harry disappear behind the closing doors and flashed the curly haired boy a toothy lopsided grin.

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