Chapter 2

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I'm sorry for being so long :( from now on I will probably update twice a month xx Enjoy :)


Willows POV

I darted in and out of the trees for what felt like hours but I knew it was only a few minutes. The screams of the crowd as the males were released only fuelled my unbearable terror and I almost crashed straight into a pine tree. As the scent of males grew fainter I slowed down a bit, my flanks heaving with the effort of running so fast. You might be wandering what my domestic cat form looks like; well I am a semi-long furred ginger and white cat with striking green eyes. I have been called beautiful and elegant in my cat form when usually I’m considered clumsy and ‘average’ looking when I’m human. My eyes are the things that you have to look out for, I have been known to almost hypnotize with them. I’m also different from other werecats as my eyes change colour depending what form I’m in. In human form my long, dark eyelashes bring out icy blue eyes that make you feel very uncomfortable if I stare right into yours. In domestic cat they are a very vibrant green that looks almost lively and my big cat eyes are amber but pierce into your very soul getting you to do what I want. This is why I’m so unpopular at school. A deep rumbling growl sounded from a few metres away from me and I whipped around to see a tawny looking wolf with a snarl etched on his muzzle, I instantly knew he was my mate. I didn’t know what to do, let him mark me? Fight him in my big cat form or just run and hide up the tree I was backing against? As he took an intimidating step forward, I decided on the latter and dug my claws into the soft pine, easily pulling myself up but not before I felt sharp canines dig into the end of my plush, ginger tail. I wailed out in pain, my face screwed up as agony rushed through my slight body

Let me go!!!

I mind linked him easily as he was my true mate.

 Not until you come down.

His black eyes glinted with cruelty as he bit down harder on my tail and I let out an ear-splitting screech


 Gripping onto the trunk with my front paws and kicking him in the face with my strong hind legs. He let out a slight bark of surprise and let go of my tail as my claws bore into his brown muzzle.

 Please just come down!!! I need my mate with me.

 He whimpered. My heart melted. How could I say no to my mate! Yes we got off to a bad start but maybe he could change. What happened to me not wanting a mate I don’t know.

You should have just asked nicely.

 I linked before jumping off the tree and sitting in front of him. He bent down and licked my nose affectionately, my heart raced as I felt our bond grow stronger; I was no longer the slightest bit scared. I purred loudly and he laughed through our mind link,

what’s your name?

 I asked him


he replied

 can I know my beautiful mates name?

 A fond rumble grew in my throat and I rubbed myself against him


he looked at me adoringly

 I love you Willow,

 I stared at him startled, I had only knew this man for 5 minutes and he has already declared his undying love for me. Wait a sec…. wasn’t only 2 minutes ago he was grabbing hold of my fragile tail with his very sharp fangs, this guy has weird mood swings.


he looked at me awkwardly, shyness reflecting in his almost black eyes,

this is the time when I mark you and I kinda can’t do it when you’re in that form so could you turn back to human please?

I stared at him with a horrified look on my face

no! I’ll be naked!!

Well what else are you going to turn into?

My tiger


I laughed in my head at the terrified look on his wolfy face.

My tiger, that’s why werecats are so unpopular among the wolves we are stronger but more caring and the wolves just like to be dominant.

His brow was wrinkled in slight annoyance, his eyes growing harder and a deep growl sounded in his throat.

Not all wolves are like that you know.

He almost hissed. I looked at him with my green eyes and his mouth hung open as they faded into yellow, I was growing taller and more muscular and my dark prominent stripes showed through my coat. I was soon a magnificent tiger with a lean, strong body and a striped face with long whiskers. I gave a slight snarl at the dull ache of shifting, showing off my fatal yellow fangs. Hawk swallowed nervously. I purred loudly and laid on my back in submission, he slowly crawled over to me and started grooming my shoulder with his tongue, getting ready for the marking. I tried not to flinch as his canines sunk through the flesh on my shoulders but the pain was too great and I let out a loud suffering roar. Hawk leapt back in fright his brown eyes turning black in fear, but it was done. He is mine and I am his we will never part.

Hawks POV

I can’t believe it. I have found her. The girl I never thought I would find, my mate. Her cat form was beautiful, but her tiger form was just breath-taking. Calm, mellow amber eyes, her muscular sleek body, the magnificent paws that could take a deer down with one vicious swipe to the head and her purr. The sound that means she is happy, the vibrations shake the ground they are that loud! Yes, I admit I may have been afraid of her at first and when she roared in the pain I was conflicting but I was scared for her more than for myself. I love her.

Shall we go to the lodge?

The lodge is an enormous log cabin that is full to the brim with spare clothes for us to change into. Our part of the country is nicer than others, for some you have to go up and sign you’re official mates in human form (obviously!) with no change of clothes around. How embarrassing. Willow nods but goes back to licking the deep wound on her shoulder, I wince I hate how we have to do that.  After most of the wound is cleared, we start padding towards the direction of the lodge. I can smell it, the fresh warm clothes, the sound of tumble dryers and washing machines spinning on and on; I have never appealed so much to the thought of warm clothes than I do now, for once I don’t want to be my wolf. I want to be my human and see Willow as hers, I’m sure she’s beautiful and I have always had a picture of what she might look like in my head. I imagined long, red curls cascading down her back to her waist, green eyes and a small button nose but I’m probably wrong. We soon reach the large cabin, the wood was starting to rot and it was lying slanted on a hill surrounded by trees, the smell of fresh linen was overpowering. I opened the flaking door slowly  and  stared speechless in shock at the terrible scene in front of me…


QOTC: What do you think happened in the lodge?

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