Falling |m.c.|

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I felt his shock as if it were my own.

"Am I dead?" He asks with a vulnerable, quiet voice.

I trip over my own words. "Uhm, well...Probably, I mean, you are a ghost, dude."

He scoffs. "Well this could be a weird voodoo thing, maybe."

I laugh to myself. "Uh, when's the last time you messed with voodoo, Michael?"


"Not voodoo then." I assure.

He's silent for a few minutes.

"Andrea?" He breaks the silence.

"Please, it's Andy."

"Sorry. Andy..." He hesitates. "How do you even know I'm real? I mean, I don't feel emotion or pain, and I just don't feel... alive anymore. Like, you could be fucked up right now and I could be a figment of your imagination."

I scoff. "How do we know that you're not the one fucked up? I  could be a figment of your  imagination." I pause to think for a second. "I know you're real because I feel you here and it just makes sense because of those pictures I found in the attic, and the weird vision I had afterwards. You are not make belief."

"Prove it then." He demands.

"And how do you expect me to do that?"

"Make me feel something again."

// So this is my second fanfic and I really hope it works out. read if your into paranormal stuff! Uhhhm please share, I'll have chapter 1 up asap bc im busy with drivers ed so it could be awhile but please share, and if you're into supernatural im gonna find a place to put the dream team in there soooo yeah im gonna have Charlie in here cuz she deserves to be because she's "supposedldy" dead as my sister puts it. but yeah read and weep or whatever. woo! 


ps if you wanna read my first one, its called Never Truly Lost and it a Luke one and Im fixing it rn so maybe re-read it a few times to get a feel of the changes. ok byee

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