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I sigh sitting in the bus as we head  into Dallas. I stare out of the window seeing nothing but headlights and thinking of her I  know her but I don't. I know she will be beautiful and her words will challenge me, she'll have the prettiest eyes and the brightest smile. I'm just tired of waiting for her. My mom promises she's out there and very much worth the wait. I roll my eyes at the thought then hop up and grab me a drink. I join a conversation with the guys.


I walk into the kitchen of the townhouse I share with my best friend Jesse. The scent of coffee fills the small space, my lunch is sitting on the counter waiting for me with a note that reads 'Have a good day! I'll make dinner tonight. See you later -J'. I smile at the note and grab my lunch and coffee heading out the door. 
I work at a bridal shop just a few blocks away so I normally just walk weather permitting of course. "Hello ladies!" I greet the girls as I walk in. I scan my agenda and I have a few appointments today. I love my job it's so fun. My parents worried about me since I didn't want to become an engineer or doctor like them but I'm doing great and they're proud of me.


I decide to slip away and take a walk downtown by the farmers market. I wear a baseball cap and sunglasses in hopes that no one will recognize me. There is a strip of shops I peak into an antique shop. Dust and old paper books fill the small space. I look through the records finding an old Beetles record so I pay and walk out.
A few stores down is an elegant bridal store, maybe the fanciest I've ever seen, not that I go bridal shopping a lot. I laugh to myself at the thought. Something else catches my eye inside, nothing fancy but a beautiful smile. She's got long brow hair that's highlighted, green eyes, and tan skin. I decide to pop in.

"Can I help you sir?" The beautiful girl asks as she steps away from a customer.

"Umm. Yes. How can I get in contact with you?" I grin and take my glasses off. She nervously bites her lip.

"Here is my business card for serious inquires only." She hands me the card and walks away from me. Her curves are perfectly outlined in a black dress. I can't help but be more interested in her, even if she wants to play hard.

"Ma'am, this is serious. " I say and she spins around. "I would love to make an appointment with you tomorrow at noon."

"I will have to check my schedule. " She grabs a planner and the cover says 'Brielle James'. "Well I might have an opening but you have to be prompt and it's a small window."

"Great I'll be here!" I smile and take her planner from her hands and write down my phone number then head out. As I leave I hear squealing.


This guy proceeds to walk out and all the girls squeal. I look at them like they are crazy.

"Do you even know who that was?" Lynn asks as she walks towards me.

"Yeah. Jesse likes his music." I say as I start to get back to work.

"Why aren't you freaking out? That's Brett freaking Eldredge." She continues to go on about him.

After work I head home. "Hey, I'm in here!" Jesse's deep voice echoed through the hall as I enter our townhouse. I don't smell dinner cooking which is unusual.

"Hey. How was work?" I ask as I sit next to him at the island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Great. Guess what! I scored two free tickets at work to a concert tonight. I was thinking we could just go out to eat then head to the concert."

"Yeah that would be awesome! A nice treat in the middle of the work week." I start to think for a moment. "Wait what concert?"

"My favorite country singer. They are the third row my boss didn't want them, you know how he is." Jesse's boss is so beyond rich.

I cringe on the inside knowing exactly who it is however I don't object and run off to my room to get dressed. I doubt he'll notice me anyway he'll probably be too busy, plus I'm sure there will be a million girls throwing themselves at him. I roll my eyes at the thought then start to change. I decide on a black swing dress and cowboy boots, being in Texas it's kinda like and obligatory to own a pair. I throw my things in a small crossbody and head to the car with Jesse.

Jesse decided on the BMW tonight in his words "something more casual." I roll my eyes and laugh as we head to Bread Zeppelin then to the concert. The closer we get the more excited I become and the less I worry about Brett. Jesse and I jump out of the car and he throws the keys to a valet driver and we head inside. 


I jump up and down getting hyped up as I'm about to walk out on stage I grab my mic and walk out. "GOOD EVENING DALLAS!" I yell into the microphone and open up with Somethin' I'm Good At. As I'm done singing my eye scan the room and a face pops out at me... it's her. I smile big as her eyes connect to mine. "Let me tell y'all a story about my day before I head into the next song. You see I was walking down a strip and ran into a bridal shop. Weird, right? Yeah, because I'm not a bride. Anyway long story I saw the most beautiful girl in the entire world, and, well, that leads me into our next song Haven't met you yet." I start to sing and signal my brother to go grab her.


I'm in awe of the words that run out of Brett's mouth. Jesse is just staring out me like 'what is he talking about' I mouth I'll tell you later. I feel a tapping on my shoulder and it's a gentleman with an official name tag and lanyard. He slips one on my neck and Jesse's and pulls us through the crowd. Jesse and I head down a hall to the back of the stage we watch the rest of the first half from the side of the stage. Brett makes wink-y faces at me and I roll my eyes and try not to blush so much.


After the show is over I run backstage. I have to figure out who this loser is with Brielle. "Hi, I'm Brett. " I shake his hand.

"So awesome to meet you, I am Jesse. Best friends with Brie." He smiles as he looks over at her.

"Wow! I can't believe you're here, how?" I ask her.

"Jesse's boss gave him some tickets." She gives me a little smile. "Well we gotta get going we both have work tomorrow." She rushes a little bit. "If you still need that appointment don't be late, I have a very busy schedule." She smiles bigger letting me know she's only being somewhat sarcastic.

"Umm. Yes of course, I'll be there. Can I walk you out?" She nods in agreement.

I grab a ball cap, glasses, and we head out. I walk the two out to the valet section and open the door for her. "So can I give you a hug?" I ask nervously scratching the back of my neck.

"Maybe tomorrow, the show was great! Have a good night." She shakes my hand and it drives me crazy. I like how she doesn't just throw herself at me.


I get in the car and Brett shuts the door. "Wow what the heck did I miss?" Jesse asks and I go on to tell him what happened today.

When we get home I can hardly sleep thinking about those big blue eyes and sweet raspy voice. I close my eyes drifting off, dreaming of tomorrow.

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