Chapter 6

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The next morning

Your POV

I woke up and Jason was stretching taking up all the room in the bed
I lay there and questioned why I even got into bed with him
I mean he did bring another girl back last night
Where even is she?
Did he kiss her?
Worse! Did he have sex with her?
Even worse did he have sex with her and then get into bed with me
And let me touch the same body she'd been all over!?
My head was completely overthinking
And damn it's only 9am

"Whats up" Jason asked

"Where's your new chick" I replied

"She slept in one of the spare rooms, I told her I'd be back but then got into bed with you" he said

"So you slept with her and then got into bed with me" I asked kinda frustratedly

"I didn't have sex with her if that's what you wondering" he said with a grin on his face

"This is it, that's the thing you think this is all goddamn funny, hilarious even. When quite frankly it's not whereas it might be to you it's absolutely mind baffling for me Jason and I just can't take it anymore I ain't putting up with your selfish shitty ways anymore" I snapped while getting up out of bed

"What wait ocean,whoaa" he said while quickly running behind me and pulling me back

"What" I snapped while pushing his hands off me

"I haven't done anything wrong I don't know what your on about" he said

Yano I maybe I could've believed that he genuinely thought he'd done nothing wrong but then that smirk formed on his face

"Fuck you" I said before walking out of the bedroom

I went down stairs to see Jason's little hoe sat on the sofa

"Hey" she said all chirpy

I rolled my eyes and walked past her into the kitchen

"Ocean" Jason shouted while following behind me 

I started to make myself a coffee whilst ignoring Jason

"What's going on" tommy asked

All eyes turned to me and Jason

I ignored him too and carried on making my coffee

"Ocean you wanna talk?" Lauren asked

"Nah I'm good" I replied

Jason pulled me into the dining room

"I'm going" I said

"Where" he asked

"Anywhere away from this place,I'm leaving for good" I replied

"Ocean you cant leave" he said

"Who's gunna stop me" I replied

"Well the gang will all try stop you and Lauren" he said

"I'm not telling them, I'm just going" i replied

"And when they ask about you? And where you've gone" he said

"If they ask you about me tell them I was the only girl willing to push all your flaw and inconsiderate selfish ways aside and still try and see he good in you. And you fucked that up, you fucked me up" I replied

Tommy's POV

I overheard Jason's and oceans conversation
I felt bad for both of them
Anyone could plainly see that there is absolutely nothing in this world they want more then each other. The way his lips form into a content little smirk whenever she's around and the look she gets in her eyes when he talks to her, like he has the galaxies in his veins and the universe at his fingertips. All of it just screams to the rest of the world that they are undoubtedly and indefinitely falling in love with each other
But what's so sad about it is that they are so utterly irrevocably infatuated with one another that they're completely oblivious to the fact the other person feels the exact same way. They're to busy being horridly terrified of being heartbroken to realise that their hearts are already in each others hands.
And as much as she thinks that her feelings are one sided and that he only cares about himself, she does not know his past and the damage he's been through. As much as she's thinking of him day by day, little does she know he thinks about her too.

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