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The first day of school continued to be entertaining first the nerdy kid who will soon be apart of my gang now a girl who punched Zayn in the face.

This school year is going to be great.

But something seemed familiar about her, I just cant put my finger on it yet, maybe if I learned her name it would help me.

Thank god this class is over, Physics isn't my thing.

As the bell rang the guys and I met up at the lockers, even tho one of them is no longer Zayns, but he said he has a plan to get it back and I'm quite interested to know what it is.

When we all arrived we headed to the cafeteria to get our lunch, as we did so we started walking to our seats in the corner of the cafeteria, when all of a sudden I seen the new girl sitting there. Everyone was looking at her like if she was going to become road kill in a couple of seconds.

And they were right.


God why is everyone looking at me like that?

And then I seen why. Here comes those five boys with those black leather jackets.

" First my locker love, now my table? " says Zayn in an annoying tone

" MY table Zayn. " the curly haired on says in a stern tone, Zayn rolled his eyes at him.

" Well the way I see it, you snooze you lose " I reply looking at Zayn.

" And the way I see it love... you'll lose " As the curly haired boy said so I seen nothing but darkness, and I like it, he's exactly like how I was back in the U.S

The one thing that this curly headed boy doesn't understand is that... I know he's Harry Styles... And I don't think he remembers me yet, only because I look way different then before, trust me braces and pimples didn't suit me back then. Harry and I used to be best mates until I moved away when we were little, but he'll remember who I am when I tell him my name.

" Is that supposed to scare me Styles? " I look up from my food and at him, " C'mon Styles you really don't remember me? Braces and Pimples, we used to be best friends before I moved away? "


  " Is that supposed to scare me Styles? " I look up from my food and at him, " C'mon Styles you really don't remember me? Braces and Pimples, we used to be best friends before I moved away? "

I think for a moment and it hit me.

It can't be...

It's Addi..

"  How could I forget...Addison, " I looked at her and smirked, " But may I say you cant blame me, you look completely different. " I exam her features. She does look really different, she looks good, and i've missed her, she knows everything and I mean everything about me, More than Louis does.

I admit we kept in contact over the years, but we never face timed or sent pictures, so we both couldn't see how much the both of us changed. We only talked on the phone.

" So do you Styles... So please introduce me to your mates. "

I look away from her and begin with Liam.

" This is Liam," He nods

" Niall," He waves

" You've already met Zayn," He looks at her with a look of hate, and that'll stop when I explain to him who she is to me.

" And of course he's saved the best for last."

I chuckle, " And this is my best mate Louis." As I said so he swings his arm over my shoulder and we both chuckle.

" Well it's nice to meet you guys i'm Addison, but you can call me Addi. "

" If I may ask, how do you know Harry? " Louis asks.

As she was about to respond I spoke up, " Addi used to be my best friend when she lived here, but her father and mother got a job in the United States and she moved, but her and I kept in contact over the years by phone calls. "

"Used to be? I feel hurt Styles, But seems like you've chosen a great new best friend to replace me. " she smiles at Louis.

Louis smiles and responds, " I like her, I just might replace you Styles for my friend here Addi. "

I don't know what it was but something in me changed, I got protective and territorial over Addi.

" Addi will not be your best friend, she's off limits, Do I make myself clear Tomlinson? " I responded, my tone very stern and demanding, Louis simply nodded.

" Don't take it personal Louis, Harry has always been like that when it came to other guys wanting to be my best friend, and when it came down to someone asking me out. " She responded looking at Louis with a small smile.

And what she said was true. She was like my family, but not like my sister... if that made any sense? She was mine and only mine unless there was someone worthy to have her.

And that's what scared me... but i'll never admit that to anyone... even her.

The Gang Leader//Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now