Chapter Eight

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(ps read the authour's not at the end very impotant)


''Do you understand the requirements i n this job mister mccann'' spoke the schools principal i nodded and looked over the contract, i get paid about two thousand a month. it seems pretty easy all i have to do is talk to a kid that has some problems and try and make him a better human being, that doesn't seem so hard, right ?. i was looking over the facilities or whatever that shit is when i heard a loud yell of someone saying fuck. i got up and walked out the door to see a kid he was handcuffed and had this look in his eyes like he wanted to kill everyone. i watched him carefully as the grads held him down and cuffed him to the bench.

-Justin Bieber POV-

Well my sleep got totally ruined unfortunately and i don't fucking know why but they where cleaning out the room for who even knows why and they decide to wake me up and i wouldn't leave case i was still very tired so they had to forcefully remove me which didn't go very well the first time cause i bit officer Donald's hand, so they got more back up and pinned onto the ground and cuffed me and very rudely took me down to the first floor to the main office while they we're dragging me in very careless my leg hit the side of the door causing me to yell fuck.They sat me down on the bench and started to cuff me to the bench i groaned and looked at the officer ''really miss Jackson'' i asked pulling at the cuff, she nodded and got up. ''Now Justin'' i heard i looked up to see officer Garcia, he a mean,fat old Hispanic man in his like fifties,he always smells like coffee and sweat it's a horrible  i really don't like him i don't think any one does ''If you behave your little self we might just let you go early enough before it turns to dusk'' he whispered ''You can go suck a dick asshole'' i said glaring at him ''now you see Justin that's the difference between us'' he said ''what the fuck are you talking about'' i said ''i have respect unlike you people are just scared of you that's not respect and i don't blame them i wold respect a pathetic stupid gay prick that thinks he runs the school'' he said. I'm not gay I'm bi i don't think i run this school and i am not pathetic. ''i suggest you move out my face before i stab you with a pen'' i said he backed up, i continued pulling on the cuffs. i was getting uncomfortable i sighed in defeat and looked at the ground.

- Jason McCann P.O.V-

 I just watched him, he seems very closed up and upset with something so he takes it out on people. i know what your thinking how could you know your not an psychology well i have a master degree in it so i know what I'm doing. Is that why they called me they did a background search on me...freaky. ''That's him'' i heard i jumped out of my clothes like literally, it was the principal ''What'' i said '' That's who your mentoring'' he said ''i turned away and rolled my eyes, they always give me the abusive crazy one's i just couldn't catch a break huh? ''Do you think yo can handle him'' he asked ''Now what dose that mean'' i asked turning around and facing the forty five year old ''Well..'' he trailed off i looked at him for his continuation ''Justin is one of our very difficult students he's very smart only sixteen and in the eleventh grade'' he spoke i nodded that very good for someone his age and a little sexy if i do say so myself. ''But Justin is very trouble some..he's gotten into about three fights this year and almost started seven he never been suspended but he might be soon'' he said looking at some papers on his desk.

i nodded so he's a warrior i respect that he stands up for him self he look's really tiny and fragile which i bet he is. ''So can you handle him'' he asked i looked back him, he was breathing unevenly like he was uncomfortable or angry  i smirked a little, he a challenge and I'm defiantly taking this offer up ''oh yeah'' i said, he smiled ''alright's lets just sign the papers and you'll start Friday'' he said i nodded and walked back to the desk before taking another glance at my newest challenge, he was being uncuffed. i sat down at the desk and started signing off on the papers. when i was finished i shook hands with the principal and opened the door to the office. ''i'll be seeing all of you Friday'' i said i walked pass the guards to see they we're holding Justin his head was down and he was mumbling something i did'nt really hear him but i know it was something wrong. i watched as they walked him into the pricpal's room. i walked down the hallways and out the school.

-Justin Bieber P.O.V-

i rolled my eyes as they sat me down infornt of the principal ''Justin'' he spoke i looked up at him ''Fredrick Simmons'' i said with a smirk, he looked at me ''Justin why where you sleeping in an empty class room'' he asked me, i rolled my eyes ''Cause i was tired and i know that no one us that room so why not sleep there'' i said he rolled his eyes ''okay Justin'' he said ''okay so three day suspension..take him to the save room'' he said and with that i was lifted up roughly and put on my feet ''can they un-cuff me now'' i asked ''Not until you get to the save room'' he said, i groaned and rolled my eyes as we started walking towards the door. ''Oh and Justin'' he spoke ''Yes Fredrick'' i said ''If you dare call me by my first name again i will suspended you for the rest of the school year'' he said, damn why he gotta be such a bitch about it ''okay'' i said and with that i was turned back around and lead out the office and towards the stairs and on my way to the third floor



HOLA HOLA WHAT'S UP UMMMMMM UMMMMM OH YEAH I'M IN CAPS CAUSE I'M HYPE OKAY SO LET ME START SERIOUS TIME. I am making a new story and i need you guys help on who should be my character's okay so here are some :

1) Justin and Zayn= Zustin

2) Harry + Niall = Narry

3) Zayn + Liam = Ziam

4) Matthew + Justin = Mustin

yeah thats it you can give me like other options cause im not sure. hm hm is there anything else? ummmm no i dont think so. soooo um um um

5 comments and 10 votes for the next chapter hehe bye loves.

- Johnnie

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