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Have you ever thought of how you would describe a colour?

Impossible, right?

What about creating a new one? Inventing it from scratch?

Tough, isn’t it?

What if our world had no colour? What if it were all black and white and gray?

Would it be easier then?

What if we cannot see the world’s true colours yet, because we have not truly seen the world?

We should appreciate colours more, their vibrance, their subtlety, their shades, the warmth they can give you, the sadness they can bring you.

Colours are very much like people. 

Some are bright, noticeable, flashy.

Others are subdued and soft.

More still are considered strange.

But all are important, beautiful and can make you feel so many different emotions.

Are people not the same?

Can we not all be attributed to some colour or another?

Can we not identify our personas with various colours?

We use them for our emotions: ‘feeling blue’, ‘seeing red’, ‘green with envy’.

Why not our actual selves?

And so, I wish to know.

Which colour are you?

Poetic Thoughts of a Disturbed Young GirlWhere stories live. Discover now