He walks in on you naked

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He lost his apron so went in your room. He asked where it is but you were mid-way of doing pants off ankels. You yelp and fell on your ass. Quickly cover yourself with your pants. He turned and said he will search it himself. He left and almost slammed into the wall due his nervousness.


He spilled his food tray on you so left to go change. He came in your room while wiping his sweat from running. He said sorry. He looked up and froze when he saw you were naked, hiding behind your bed blanket. You yelled for him to leave. He bowed and left due the akwardness right now.


Both were sleeping soundlessly under a tree when it began wearing. You quickly went inside and changed to dry clothes. He entered saying he found some new clothes. You scream your naked. He smiled saying he knows. You threw everything around you at him thile he left. You just snatch the clothes off the ground and angry threw them on.


You and him both see each other many times naked since your both horny teenagers. You got out shower. He burst through the door saying he forgot his shirt. You yelp and yell for him to leave. He just rolled his eyes saying he seen your body many times already. He took his shirt and left. You just blushed saying it's true.


He and you were both sweating like crazy. You said you are gonna go change to something better for this weather. He nodded. After a half hour. He came in and asked why your taking long. He froze when he saw you naked. He bowed saying he's sorry. You yell if he's sorry he should leave. Threw the book on desk to him so he left, forgetting to close door. You quickly did it saying he's such an idiot sometimes.


You were just done going for a run. Did the shorts off and sighed, finally having the sticky sport clothes off you. Before you could even place a foot in the bathtub, Syo burst in. He wanted to speak but he froze. His face red. he turn and hit the wall making you scream in shock. Ran to him when he fell. His nose was bleeding. Took one of his shirts and asked Natsuki to come help. So Syo basically passed out when he saw you.


He spilled inked on you so you had to change. Sighed knowing you will have trouble washing this. Took shirt off and did pants off. Took another pair of clothes before the door opened. Masato said he's sorry. You yell your naked. Almost fell in the closet but slammed hand on the inside to hold yourself up. He stared before he said 'Good body' and he left. You felt as if your face is on fire so cover it with the shirt.

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