That dream felt so real I just didn't know what to make of it, today's Sunday and I have nothing better to do. Than to sit here worrying about some stupid dream I couldn't sleep after that.

I texted lewis saying

Anna: hi sent at 1:09pm.

I kept looking at the screen, as two blue ticks accompanied the at the bottom of the text bubble seconds later it said.

Lewis is typing.

Then second I placed my phone down, my message tone went of indicating I had gotten a text

Lewis O'Connell: Hi 😊. Received at 1:12pm.

My message tone went of again.

Lewis O'Connell: long time no talk, Hw r uReceived at 1:14pm.

I shook my head removing the remaining thoughts of my dream from my head before replying to him

Anna: I'm fine, wat bout u? Sent at 1:19pm.

Anna: do yuh wanna meet up? yuh know hang out shit like that. Sent at 1:19pm.

Lewis is typing.

It said at the top of the screen in the green label thingy, that stated the name of the person your texting.

Lewis O'Connell: I saw u just yesterday miss me alrdy😏😏. But yh sure I miss u 2. Received at 1:22pm

Anna: u r so full of shit its unbelievable😱😱😵. Sent at 1:24pm.

I smiled at this he's stranger to me but I felt worried over my dream even if I'm the one injured in my nightmare. He was still there I didn't know if he had night terrors but it felt like he was really there last night in my dream

'Wow I sound like a pervert dreaming of a guy I just met' I chuckled at the thought just as my phone went of again.

Lewis O'Connell: dress in comfortable clothes be ready in 10 minutes I'll be at ur place so u won't have to miss me much longer. Received at 1:27pm.

Is what the message stated and I smiled at that I liked talking to Lewis. I felt comfortable around him, he made me feel like I belong like I was floating and I loved it to no end.

I got dressed in denim shorts a White falling in reverse T-shirt,  applied a glossy pink lip gloss, winged eyeliner, mascara and I pulled my hair back into a slack pony tail with my bangs framing my chubby face.

I looked at myself in the full bodied mirror, my body is what some boys call perfection with a slim midriff, wide hips, a big butt and full ripe boobs. I still think I'm fat. Just as I thought that my door bell rang, I rushed to answer the door before princess got there first she isn't too polite to strangers. Did I forget to mention I have a dog well yeah I do she was sleeping yesterday when I came home sometimes she's too lazy too respond to a threat.

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