Anna's P.O.V

Slowly I nodded, knowing I wanted to know if he had night terrors. I still found the fact that he was in my dream last night impossible.

"Your dream wasn't a dream. Its believed that the human spirit wanders out of there bodies at night to look for water, that's where night terrors originated from." Lewis said slowly looking at me intensely trying to figure out what I'm feeling. Keeping my face blank, I said "I'm listening." lewis nodded. "What happened last night was a gift that was given to both of us, we fully gain this gift at the right age, at eighteen." He paused looking at my expression that remained blank."I gained mine at that age so did my grandfather and my mom. My grandfather died naturally and mom was held by vampires, later on dying of starvation. It was created by a Japanese dark magician 'mu-yang chee' who first casted the dream walker spell on a eighteen year old girl. The gift was the ability to walk into anyone's dream, our blood gives a female vampire a chance to have babies and it gives Werewolves, Harpies, Trolls and Griffins the ability to live forever. Hybrids wants to use us like puppets and witches is trying to do experiments on our body none of their tests were successful." Lewis said never looking away when he said this.

"H-how'd I end up with this "gift " " I questioned making air quotations with my fingers. He shook his head smiling at me "be patient little grasshopper, I'm getting there." I nodded not really meaning it.

"Remember when I drove you home and I asked if you saw anything on that night that whoever died, to be more specific did you see a weird woman with no eyes." He stated and I nodded. "Well she's the one that was there the night my mother's gift passed onto me, the dark magician used his spell on different test subjects. This gift passed on, as one generation died the other takes it. She's a spirit that was never put to rest or more so who can't be put to rest. So she has to travel and help transfer the gift from the last generation to this generation. She fines joy in watching dream walkers suffer from running from Witches, Trolls, Griffins Werewolves, Vampires, Harpies and Hybrids."

"There was a woman there that night my mom killed herself I blacked out a couple of times during that night." I mumbled more to myself I knew Lewis heard me.

He leaned over and grabbed my hand " there's something else I have to tell you even tho you'll figure it out at the right age I know its hard to hear but I'm you-" there was a knock at the door and in barged a really cute brunette girl, she's wearing this snap back cap that says boss,a tight naval breaker and some black and red joggers. She's hot, I felt so self conscious and ashamed I looked down as she jogged up to Lewis and hug him yelling "yo bro! Wadup?" She sat on the desk then turned to look at me."oh!who's this? "She questioned smiling at. " who she is, is nan ah yah business"he scowled at her pinching her cheeks. "Why did dad allow you to come here again?" He asked pulling her of the desk."b-but I wanted to see my big brother you don't even live with us anymore."she said through her pouted lips. I relaxed my tense shoulders as she said brother. She got out of his grip and walked over to me" hey what's your name?" She questioned in a soft voice.

"Anna.......Anna Loveleen Gordon." I answered quietly looking down she still made me feel self conscious.

She stuck her hand out "I'm Genesis Carter this big idiot's little sister, nice to meet you" she said shaking hand firmly.

"Are you two together?" She questioned frowning.


"Yes!" Said Lewis and I at the same time, lewis said yes while I said no along her frown deepen or her beautiful face. His eyes and her eyes are the same colour.

"Welp I best be gone, it was nice meeting you gorgeous" said Genesis smiling widely at me. As she left Lewis visibly relaxed again "just ignore her she's always like that." He smiled at me a genuine smile that he showed only when his sister was here.

I smiled back enjoying the silence that had fallen upon us. The silence was kind of getting to me, he kept staring at me I fidgeted under his gaze but all he did was smirk.

"Uhh... So there was something to tell me." I said gesturing with my hands. So he'd understand, but he only looked amused by the gesture.

"It could wait." was all he said not once his intense gaze wavered.

Lewis's P.O.V

In that moments he asked that I wanted nothing more than to tell her. I knew it would be weird to hear that our kind was already destined to a mate whether it be a Werewolf, Vampire, Troll, Harpy, Witch, Griffin Hybrid or Dream walker. I wanted to hold her to kiss her to make love to her to cuddle her to love her in the emotional way. I could of been selfish, I decided to wait until she found out on her own.

"When are you turning eighteen?" I asked allowing my gaze to wander down her body. I loved the way she squirmed under my watchful eyes. I was thinking about how she'd wiggle under my body as I mated her as I worshipped her until morning.

"In two months time on 22nd of August ." I heard her soft voice say. "Getting bored if my office beautiful?" I questioned amused I secretly didn't want her to leave. I have dirty thoughts of bending her over my desk, she was making it hard for my low self control.

"Come on let's head out for a walk." I said grabbing her hand, I had like an hour and fifteen minutes to wander about.

I decided to head over to the small park about twenty minutes away from the office.

"What is it like to work in a big office like that, it must get boring." She babbled making all these cute but wild gestures with her hands. I loved looking at her but I'd give her a chance to get experience with relationships first before I claim her. No! not to go the whole way but at least kiss a guy you know.

"Its actually really great I get piece and quiet all the time and I work hard and party harder." I shrugged giving her a lazy smile. I should probably drop her home so shed get ready for school tomorrow.

"Well it looks boring, I can't imagine sitting in a office alone." She frowned like shed never survive being in an office alone yet she lived alone.

"I should drop you home you have to prepare for school tomorrow."


I didn't want her to go but I had meetings to attended to.

We walked back opening the door for her helping her in then getting in myself I drive off the ride to her house was peaceful.

I rolled down the window from the passenger side, leaned over and stuck my head and shouted as she was already walking up the stone pathway to her flat.

"I'll call you tomorrow after school. Be a good girl."

"I'll try."

"Bye beautiful."

Was the last words I said before I drove off I didn't hear if she said anything because I didn't wait.

Word count :

1291 words

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