Defining Love

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  • Dedicated to Beaa <3

WARNING: This book contains every single type of love there is so if you're not comfortable reading about any and every type of love then this book probably isn't for you.



Define love.

Google defines love in two ways.

1. An intense feeling of deep affection

2. To feel a deep romantic or sexual attachment to someone

Can we really sum up love in only two ways, 16 words and 77 letters? When i ask people to define love i get a different answer each time.

My mum says love is when you'd do anything to protect that person no matter  how much hurt it may cause yourself.

 Annabelle says love is when a man and a women adore each other so much that they get married and have kids.

Trent says his love is booze and girls.

Jayden says love is when that one persons prescence makes you feel high and the sound of their name makes your heart skip.

Sarah says love is nothing but an illusion.

Xavier says love is when you have a certain connection with someone that makes you need them in your life.

There are so many different types of love to experience and learn about. In my first 18 years of life i was yet to experience all the forms of love. I wasn't aware of how many forms of love there were. I didn't even know if i believed in the most desirable form of love.

This is my story of finding love and the heartache and frustration that came with it.

So let me start my story from the begining.

My name is Candiss Castillo and i have never been in love.

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