Chapter 2 ~ Friends

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Yay chapter 2 <3 Okay guys so again this is one of the very first chapters so it's more about meeting the characters and learning about the bonds they have between then at the moment. Things will get interesting, i promise i've got lots of twists to throw in <3 Vote, Comment, Message ENJOY!

Picture Of Annabelle Stacy ------------------------------> (Candi's bestest friend)

Oh & sorry guys but i didn't proof read so excuse the mistakes <3


The air was frigid as I made my way across the hall and into the bathroom. I tip toed as I wrapped my arms around my torso protecting myself from the chill and hoping the heat from my arms would at least warm my stomach slightly. I didn’t want to wake mom, she had a night show in the city tonight so she needed a big sleep in today. It was usually like this, she’d sleep most of the day away to be fresh for whichever big show she had at night. Don’t get me wrong I mean my mom and I have a really great relationship, she does have those motherly qualities but she’s more like a best friend. It sucks that I hardly see her around and when I do she’s usually on her way to work or bed.

The school break was great as her stupid b*tch of a boss finally let her have a week off to spend with me. Yeah her boss is a massive b*tch and by massive I really do mean massive, she overworks her showgirls, doesn’t believe in family emergencies in fact she won’t let you off early unless it’s for a serious appointment or if a family member is in hospital and even then she’s rude about it. The amount of money she pays her showgirls is nowhere near enough for the amount of work she makes them do and she fires people permanently if they get pregnant or put on a little extra weight and if you get an injury that puts you off rehearsal/shows for any amount of time over a week you can kiss your job goodbye, harsh isn’t it? And what’s even more harsh is that for the 8 years that my mom has worked her ass off for the ungrateful b*tch my mom is only given 2 weeks off a year and one of those weeks has to be over Christmas.

“F*ck it’s freezing…”  I murmured as my bare feet made contact with the icy tiles of my bathroom floor. After closing and locking the bathroom door I whined excessively to myself wasting a good 10 minutes of ‘getting ready time’ about the fact that I had to expose my skin to air. After inhaling deeply and deciding to just get it over with I hastily began stripping off my clothes. I felt my skin prickle and tingle with coolness but it was quickly erased when the water of my shower ran down my body providing waves of warmth and relaxation. My body heat increased comfortably causing me to tilt my head back and sigh in contentment. This by far has to be the best part of the morning routines, well for me anyways. For most girls I guess they find the whole getting dolled up process way more exciting. Now don’t get me wrong I like choosing what to wear sometimes and putting on a little makeup and doing my hair for school but it just seems like a chore sometimes. A small laugh escaped my lips as I realized that if I had told any girl (besides Sarah & Anna) in this town that I don’t particularly love getting dolled up for school every day they’d label me ‘Tomboy’ or something.

Like I said my town’s extremely judgemental (especially of us teens) and has high expectations of everyone in the ‘community’. The guys are expected achieve straight A’s, dress preppy, be well liked, respected and respectful, drive nice cars, go to church every Sunday, get a nice steady well-mannered and raised girlfriend and of course either get into one of the top 3 colleges in this country or join the family business. Typical, huh? Oh and do you want to know what’s expected of us girls? Well I’m going to tell you anyway. You see it’s bad enough that society already expects so much of us girls but this town really goes about a gazillion steps ahead of those expectations. Us girls well we are expected to achieve straight A’s, get into one of those top 3 colleges, church on Sunday and be respectful and respected just like the guys. Not bad? Now let’s add that we’re supposed to look presentable all the time especially for school which means perfectly styled hair, flawless face, respectable clothing meaning; baby doll dresses, a-lined skirts, pretty tops, jeans, coats and of course heels. Naturally the most revealing tops acceptable are the ones that show only slight cleavage and jeans can’t be skinny jeans oh and booty shorts, short shorts or any type of shorts on a girl if not for dance or cheer are completely unacceptable. Did I mention that even our skin is expected to be flawless and our nails perfectly manicured? And we’re expected to be goody two shoes, find a gentleman of a boyfriend and stay celibate until marriage?  As you can probably guess the last expectation is the one nearly all the girls haven’t lived up to excluding Anna and a few others. So you see this town is pretty much hell but out of the private girls school and Burwood High I have to admit I’m glad I chose Burwood because if I hadn’t I wouldn’t have met the most awesome people this town contains.

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