Chapter 3 ~ Planning in the cafeteria

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Part 3 <3 Okay so  the usual hope you like it, vote, message, comment <3

Pic of Trent on the side --------------->



As we walked into Spanish we greeted our teacher as usual, she only smiles in return and motions for us to sit before turning back to her notes. My eyes started to sweep the room but before I could finish Anna was tugging me down the aisle towards two seats next to a girl called Amy. We returned the smiles and hi’s of our classmates politely as we walked towards our seats. I noticed that a lot of pairs of male eyes were roaming my body slowly and zooming in on my chest making me slightly uncomfortable. I tried to ignore them and silently cursed my mom for giving me her D’s and the guys for their raging hormones. Anna must have noticed since she turned her head to my ear and whispered.

“You should dress like that more often, the guys seem to like it.” I turned my head ever so slightly to see if her expression was serious. She giggled softly and winked and I shook my head at her amused.

“Yeah but the girls don’t.” My eyes flicked to Mary O’grady and her group of girls who were glaring daggers in my direction. Girls like them really annoyed me. You know the type, they all dress similar, have similar fake hair, way too much makeup and think they’re above everyone else. These girls wore exactly the same style of skirt that fell loose and swished to their mid-thighs the only difference between each of their skirts was the color. Of course then they wore either a designer blouse or sweater, school girl type heels, caked on makeup and finally their dyed hair slightly differentiated in shades of blonde and was either perfectly straightened or curled and always left down and accessorized with a headband. I had two words to sum up girls like them. Preppy b*tches.

“Sweetie the only people who are going to hate on you because of how you dress are the jealous barbies, the staff and the parents. You have respect from everyone else.” She stated matter of factly as we took our seats beside Amy. I studied her curiously before replying.

“So why don’t you dress and act the way you want?” I didn’t get it here she was telling me that the only people who would care weren’t significant yet she continued to play by everyones rules. Her green eyes dropped from mine to stare at the notebook she had placed on her desk as she idly started doodling.

“I’ve spent my whole life building my reputation and playing by the rules. People love me for that. Candi, you know my personality is naturally like it is and I put my own twist on my style so I’m not fake or anything but there are certain things about me that are better left in the dark.” The last part of her monologue made me slightly worried and apparently I wasn’t the only one because right then the thoughtful silence was broken by a quiet girly voice.

“Anna I hope you’re not doing anything illegal, you’d get into trouble in any normal place but think of what could happen in this town.” Amy’s voice stated hesitantly. I swivelled my head around to look at her. Amy was a genuinely nice girl. For some reason people didn’t particularly like or talk to her. She has a few close friends which is good and Anna, Sarah and I always talk to her and say hi. She used to be well liked, not particularly popular but people knew who she was. It was Mary and her girl gang that started the drama, I think they saw her as some sort of threat.

 Amy is very pretty she has all the expectations of this town, money, grades, respect, good attitude. She’s flawless head to toe with milk white skin, big hazel eyes, small figure and delicate features. She has incredibly shiny platinum blonde hair that is always styled to perfection; her makeup is always flawless and plain going just a little heavier around her eyes. She’s got an awesome personality and loves putting a few colored streaks in her hair for fun. I don’t understand why people quickly turned on her. She’s one of the nicest people ever so nice that she can’t seem to stand up for herself so when Mary and her girls started spreading rumours and calling her unfashionable and a tomboy just because she wears jeans and t-shirts rather than skirts and blouses people soon joined in. It was horrible and Anna, Sarah and I stood up for her when they called her a geek because she had to get glasses and chose these really big quirky pair that I personally love because they suit her personality but she told us not to bother and as much as we tried to help her she said she felt guilty for making us stand up for her and she eventually gave up and let the fall happen. Even though she can ignore all the torment we still feel we need to stand up for her, she doesn’t deserve any of this.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 16, 2012 ⏰

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