7 Wallet

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In the beginning I already said that you are a very intelligent person in this book so you can speak multiple languages.
It will be like that:
Normal: Korean
Bold: English
Italic: Chinese
Underlined: Thai
Bold+Italic: Japanese
Italic+Underlined: German
The rest of the other languages will be written in normal but I will write behind the text which language it is.

Now back to the story~

Y/n P.o.v

I went back to my room and took out my suitcase to choose an outfit. Me and B/f/n didn't pack a lot of things because we had everything here and would go shopping when we are going to explore Seoul which we are going to do today.
I went into my bathroom and did my normal morning routine. After 20 minutes I was done and changed into my outfit.

I just let my straight/wavy hair down and went out to make breakfast for me and b/f/n

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I just let my straight/wavy hair down and went out to make breakfast for me and b/f/n.
My mother taught my how to cook when I was 11 and I loved it. It's kind of relaxing me so I often cooked at home.
Just as I went out I remembered that we don't have any groceries at home. I groaned and went back to b/f/n.
I knocked at her door and heared her say ,come in'.
I told her:,,Hey b/f/n. I think we should go and buy groceries and all the other thing we need now." B/f/n answered:,,Oh yes, I totally forgot about that! Just let me get ready and then we will go, ok?" You:,,Yeah ok. Do you want to eat something in a cafe or should we buy the groceries, cook breakfast at home and then explore Seoul while we go shopping too?" B/f/n:,,I think we should just eat something in a cafe. It would save us some time and it is way more less complicated." You:,,Ok. Now you should get ready, it's already 10am and I am starving." B/f/n just laughed at your comment and nodded her head.

> Time skip <

Me and B/f/n were inside a cafe named Homestead. It's so beautiful in here and there were so many plants. I'm actually not a person who likes plants, any flowers or taking pictures but it was way to pretty to not make a photo in here. We spent 10 min of taking pictures and we then ordered our breakfast.
While me and b/f/n were eating peacefully, someone suddenly bumped into our table and the drinks were spilled. Unfortunately my drink was now spilled all over my clothes. I had ordered hot chocolate so it burned like hell! The person turned around and I could see that it was a male with a black mask. He looked around my age.
,,Omg! I'm so sorry!", he said while bowing deeply. I looked at him and then at my clothes. I sighed and said:,,It's Ok. Just watch were you're going next time." In the corner of my eyes I could see that b/f/n looked shocked. ,,Y/n!", she said , ,,Are you ok?!" I just nodded at her and then my attention went back to the boy. His eyes were glued on the floor and I could tell that he was uncomfortable. ,, I'm so sorry about your clothes. I will buy you new ones!", he offered, but I said:,,You don't need to do that. I am fine, really." He then looked at at me again and I could see a lot of guilt in his face. ,,I'm very sorry. I should have been more careful." ,,You don't need to apologise anymore, ok? There is no need to anymore." ,,Ok. But I buy you a new drink. That is the least I can do." Without saying another word he immediately went to the line and waited in order to buy me a new hot chocolate along with his order. While me and b/f/n waited for the boy to return, we packed our things because we wanted to go and buy our new clothes so I won't have to walk around with wet clothes anymore. While doing so b/f/n said:,,Is it just me or does he look like someone we know?" I replied:,,I pretty much doubt that it's one of those Idols you Stan so no" She then nodded and we continued packing.
After ten minutes the boy came back and gave me my new hot chocolate. He then looked at his watch which looked pretty expensive to me, and his eyes widen. He looked at me and b/f/n.
,,Once again, I'm very sorry for your clothes but I am in a hurry right now so I should probably go now", he said and immediately ran away.
While doing so, I noticed how his wallet fell out of his pocket. I picked it up and wanted to chase after him to return it but he was already out of my sight. ,,Damn that boy is fast", I thought.
I went back to b/f/n and she then asked me:,, What is that?" ,,His wallet. He didn't realise that he lost it while running away", I mumbled while looking at it. ,,Look if there is any name or phone number, so we can inform him about it", she suggested. I nodded my head in approvement.
I opened the wallet and the first thing that caught my eye was a name written in hangul.

,,Park Jisung"

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