Turtle dove.|Yandere! crow x reader

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*eh I know it's been a while. Ehhh.. I haven't had any inspiration for a long while.*

-takes place on surface-

The breeze was cool and calming, birds were singing, butterflies were flying, on days like this, girls like you, were visiting the woods.

You were always very adventurous, and brave, and you loved nature.

And your love for it grew, when you met your bird boyfriend.

Crow as he liked to be called was laid back, and loved nature as much as you did.

He was a skeleton monster with the wings of a Raven.

He would fly you around every now and then, and you loved it.

It was frightening at first, you used to be scared of heights.

So for a long time, he only flew you only so meany feet in the air, until you got used to it.

Lately you've noticed a change in his attitude.

When he's with you in public, he glares at other men and monsters who walk past you, or even speak with you.

At first you thought he was being over protective, or maybe he was just afraid you'd leave him. Which you would never do.

You loved him too much.

So today, you decided to talk with him about it.


You climbed up the rope of his treehouse.

Once you finally reached the top, you saw him.

He was curled up on his side wings wrapped tightly around himself.

You pulled up the rope ladder so no one could get up here and bother you guys.

You sit in the nest beside him, and Pat his wings.

He let out a purr sound and lifts one wing pulling you close to him with it.

"*Yawn* heya dove. Been waiting for ya how's my love dove doing?"

For some reason when he was tired his voice was really attractive, it was lower and raspy then his normal voice.

You blushed. "Sorry it took so long, I kinda got lost again."

He yawns again and pulls you even closer your back to his chest, wings wrapped around the both of you, his head on your shoulder, his tail feathers wrapping around your legs.

You blush and sink into his embrace.

He was really warm, and it had been just so cold lately.

"It's okay dove. I understand, I should make you a sign."

You nod. "Yeah you should."

Silence came between you two, until you decided to finally ask him what has been troubling him for quite some time.

You just hoped he wouldn't get mad.

"Hey babe?"

"Hmm?" He hums.

"I've been meaning to ask you something for a while now..  why have you been so.. possessive? I mean.. I don't mind.. it's just you've been acting like this for quite some time.. and is there something wrong?"

At first he doesn't respond.. it was silent for a full fifteen seconds, until suddenly he had you pinned to his nest, him on top of you.

"Eh!?" You squeak.

He looks deeply in to your eyes, his having a stern look in them.

"Oh.. uh sorry crow did.. I.. was it something I said-

He suddenly kisses you then pulls back. "Listen dove.. there's nothing wrong with me.. it's just.. I don't like the way other guys look at you.. it makes me sick."

He leans down and nuzzles your cheek with his own.

"Don't ever leave me dove.. I'd be lost without you."


You opened your eyes and turned over, only to see that Crow wasn't there.

That was strange.. usually he was always there... Maybe he had to get food or something.

So you decided to wait till he gets back.


Okay now you were getting worried.. it had been four hours where was he?

It seemed hope was on your side, because instantly you heard the sounds of wings flapping above you.

You sigh in relief, and smile with your arms open for him.

He chuckles and lands in the nest beside you, and hugs you.

After some time, he pulls away and kissed your nose.

But then you noticed.. why were your clothes damp all of a sudden? What was all over you?

You look down and find yourself covered in.. BLOOD!!???

"oh my gosh! Crow are you bleeding?! What happened?"

"Hush hush, dove it's okay. It's not my blood! I went hunting that's all."

You hold your chest, trying to calm your breathing.

All that changed when he lifted a severed head.

"Here wanna bite?"

You screamed.

End..? Sorry it's been awhile guys. I had to think a while about this one.

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