Mack's P.O.V
Today is the day I start school. Most people don't know I'm gender fluid and pansexual, but I'm hoping that I can come out to everyone using my actions and outfits. The main thing I'm gonna wear is my pansexual beanie, my prize possession. If you didn't know my name is Madison, Mack, or Maddie. Yes I have multiple names, comes with being gender fluid. Most people call me Mack though. Anyway gotta fly schools starting!
(School time)
"Hey Mack!" Said my best friend in the entire world, Kayla. One of the only ones who knows my secret.
"Hey KK!"
"How's it going? How was your summer?"
"Its going ok, summer was just the normal, parents ignoring me almost the entire summer, sis and I fight 24/7"
"Yikes! Well if it makes you feel better you can sleepover at my house tonight"
"Sure, I'll ask my mom!"
(If anyone was wondering this is what Kayla and Mack look like
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(Text messages between Mom and Mack)
Mack: Hey mother of mine
Mom: What do you want?
Mack: What do you mean?
Mom: You never text me unless you want something
Mack: Fine, can I stay at Kayla's house tonight?
Mom: Sure we get rid of you for a night
Mack: Fine whatever thanks
(In class)
"What is Mack wearing?"
"Does she know what those colors mean?"
"What the fuck is she doing wearing that?"
(Mack And Kayla)
"Mack why did you wear that anyway? I tought you said no one should know till high school" Kayla says as she points to my beanie
"Because it our last year and I don't know how many people will be going to the same high school as us, and I want to leave this school strong!"