Part Nine

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*Thomas POV*

Nevermind, take that back, I hate the guy. 

"Hamilton, you little shit, I'm going to kill you," I hear Hamilton laugh loudly through the door. He locked himself in his room. Why? You might ask. Because that little piece of shit stole my phone. It was just sitting on the counter when he grabbed it and ran to his room. 

He locked the door but after many years with siblings who would pull the same trick, I had learned the art of lockpicking. I worked pretty quickly and quietly, yelling and pounding on the door occasionally so it didn't get too suspicious. 

When I finished, I pushed the door open quickly to find Hamilton sitting on his bed, phone in hand. When I came in, his smile dropped. I smirked, payback time. 

"How the actual fuck did you get in here?" He asked, scrambling to his feet. I just smiled and grabbed him. 

"Are any chance....ticklish?" I ask him and his eyes widen in fear. Immediately, I move my hands to his sides and begin tickling them. Alexander tried to shield his stomach but it was no use, I was merciless. 

"Ohmygod...Thomas...please...stop..." Alexander yelled in between his laughter.  Before I knew it, I was laughing more than I had in a long time. Eventually, I stopped and we were both laying on the floor, trying to catch our breath. 

"Thomas, I'm starting to think you hate me," Alex said, a smile oh his lips.

"What?" I replied mockingly, "Why on earth would you think that?"

"Because you just tried to murder me." He tried to glare at me but ended up laughing again. 

"You're delusional..." I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"You know what? I'm going to go get some takeout, I'm starving." Alex said, getting up. 

"Can't you just order it?" I gave my best puppy look but he shook his head. 

"I'll be back in half an hour." He left the room and I got up. I decided to spam him with texts cause why not when I realized I didn't have my phone...

That little shit.

This Was Not Supposed To Happen ~ Jamilton (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now