Thanks stained_Red
1)I love EXO
2)I love to read
3)I love KARD
4)my bias is Chen
5)the only soda I will enjoy drinking carbonated is Cactus cooler
6)I'm a very forgetful person
7)I am friends with someone that I call Dada
8)I love blue
9)I wish I could block people in real life
10) i don't have 28 people to tagNicole_Stefie cole7144 QuraiAzyziMais zamarial afifahl9 aris1111 TheFemaleHoney ktisdead asahikokobop
Sorry people idk many people that haven't been tagged if you have been tagged sorry
Joke time
So a short lady walks onto a bus right and she is holding a box as she goes to sit down she says "cuidado con los huevos" when she sits down the man sitting next to her turns and says "señora come te ocurre traer huevos en un autobus" the lady says "yo no tengo huevos"Spoiler time
Se-baekyeol will happen