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Jonathan woke up with a call from Krista. It was 7:00am in a sunny Saturday. Half asleep, Jonathan answered the call.

"Hi. hi. hello..."
"Good morning love!"
"Krista, do you know what time is it?"
"And you? You forgot what we were going to do today?"
"It's 7:00 in the morning! What is so important you can not wait?"
"Oh my god! Today is my birthday!! You idiot!! I can believe you forgot!"
"I didn't forget! Is just..."
"Don't give me your excuses! I'm waiting at '*Pete's' " (a local restaurant her family owns.)
"Ok I'll get ready"
She hang up the phone. Leaving Jonathan even more exhausted. He slept for another hour wishing the day passed as fast as possible. He knew how Krista could get if something wasn't at it's place. Jonathan finally got up. He took a quick shover and went to the kitchen to eat something. While eating, a text message from Dylan surprised him.

Hey JJ! Wanna go swimming today? Everyone is coming.

That wasn't a bad idea... Going swimming with your friends instead of helping organize your girlfriend's birthday party at the only restaurant in the village. He didn't wanted to go to Krista. After all, she was the stupid prise in Dylan's and his games. He didn't even knew why he fell in love with her. She was beautiful and everything, but in the end she was the worst girl someone could ever date. Jonathan knew that very well. Only a year has passed in their relationship and he already wanted to break up with her. But how and when could he do it. To go against that girl was impossible. After thinking a little, he finally answered to Dylan.

K! There in a minute. 😎

Now, he needed to make up a good lie for Krista. He began to think out loud:< "Sorry Krista! My mother wanted me to help her with something"
No, too classy. "I have to study for Monday's test,sorry" Nope, think again. Come on you need something else. Something she can't prove if its true or not. Think,Jonathan think!!!>

"What are you doing?" Said his mother entering the kitchen.
"Oh! Hey mom! Nothing, I'm doing nothing... I'm going now." He said getting out the table and walking to the front door.
"Jonathan Jones come here this instant! Where do you need to go that is so important"
"Today is Krista's birthday and she want me to help her prepare everything..."
"Let me gess... You don't want to go"
"Uhm-Hum" (yes)
"I don't like her either. Don't worry, if she calls I will tell her you got other work to do" She said winking at her son.
"Thanks mom! You're the best!"
Jonathan ran out the door but immediately came back inside the house. He almost forgets his swim suit. Now, ready to go, he took his skateboard and went to the lake. Dylan and their friends Catherine, Mike, Richard and Lauren were waiting for him.
"Hey guys! Jonathan is here!" Yelled Catherine the moment he saw Jonathan coming.
"Look who didn't broke his promise this time... Jonathan Jones" Said Richard.
"Shut up Dick!" said everyone at the same time.
"I'm glad you came" said Dylan to Jonathan while doing their especial handshake.
"I almost didn't come..." Said the teen while undressing himself.(He got his swim suit under his clothes)
"Why is that?" Asked Lauren, Dylan's cousin.
"Today is Krista's birthday..."
"And you decided to let down your girl for us, how cute" said Lauren once again.
"And stupid too! Dude, you know how pissed off she will be?! You dead" said Mike with that creepy voice of his.
"Without forgetting, she isn't any girl... She is Krista Lodge! The major's daughter! Your life has officially become a nightmare." Said Lauren.
"It is already..." Said Jonathan scratching the back of his head. In that exact moment, Dylan threw water to his face. That cause everybody to start playing and forget what had happened. Jonathan
was happy to have made the right decision. Some time after, everyone decided to go back home. It was already lunch time. Dylan and Jonathan stayed alone for a while.
"I'm glad you came..." Said finally Dylan.
"I'm happy too... I needed some time without 'Drama princess' around me"
"Ha ha ha 'Drama princess'? That's the best one so far" Dylan said laughing.
"What do you mean? Of course is the best one! I made it up!" He answered filling proud of himself.
"Oh yeah because you are the best in everything..." Said Dylan rolling his eyes.
"Damn straight!" They laugh for a couple of minutes and then Jonathan said again:
"You should be jealous! After all I win the girl"
"And I'm glad you did! Or it would be me on your place!"
"So you admit it... You're jealous!" Jonathan said approaching Dylan slowly.
"No I'm not jealous! Why would I be jealous of you" he said not even looking at his friends face.
"Not jealous of me, but of her" Jonathan said.
"Why would I be j-jealous of her!" Dylan said, his face getting red.
"You know why..." Said the other male getting a little embarrassed too.
They looked at each other's eyes for a couple of seconds. Jonathan began to caress Dylan's face. The taller men lifted his companion chin and kissed his lips softly. The kiss was soft and tender. It showed all the love that the two of them had for each other. With every minute, the kiss became passionate. Their tongues began to dance the forbidden dance of love and lust. Their bodies were getting hotter with every second that passed. Jonathan's hands began to go down Dylan's back. Causing the shorter man to shiver and arch his back.
"You don't know how much I need you~" said Dylan braking the kiss.
"I do, believe me..." Jonathan said. "I want to stay with you... B-"
"So why don't you break up with her? Why?"
"You think I didn't tried?! Remember who she is... What she does! Krista is dangerous" answered Jonathan moving away from Dylan.
"More reasons to stay away from her!" Dylan said. "Tell me this will finish soon... I don't want to hide myself anymore"
"I will tell her... Yeah... I'll do it tonight" answered Jonathan getting out of the water and sitting on the ground.
"Good" said Dylan doing the same as his lover.
"Until then... Can I have you?" Said Jonathan once more.
"Let's go to the cabin" answered Dylan.

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