Town Walk

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Next morning, everyone in the town woke up and all of the children ran out to go to school. Ratchet and Clank walked out the Apogee Space Station for a walk around the town. Clank asked as he watching the kids, " Ratchet, where are they going? " Ratchet said, " The kids? Why, they're going to school. "

He asked, " School? What is a school? " Ratchet said, " School is where all of the kids go there to learn stuff before they'll go off a new life. " Clank asked, " Should I learn about something? " He said, " Sure. I can show you around as we take a walk around the town. " " Hey Ratchet. " Talwyn called. Ratchet looked behind him.
Talwyn said, " Make sure you come back here before dark. And don't forget Clank, if you lost your way or got separated from Ratchet, retrace your steps and return to this station so I can call Ratchet. Okay? " Clank said, " Of course, Ms Apogee. " Ratchet asked, " Ready to go, pal? " He said, " Oh yes. " Two boys walked down the path. As the kids continuing heading to school, two conmen walking down as they looking for a sucker.

When they walked past Ratchet and Clank, their devices went off like crazy. The first conman looked at Clank and said, " Check it out. When I point my detector on that robot, the numbers went crazy and then froze. It's like he can control time. He might worth a fortune. " The second conman asked, " Then, what should we do, boss? " The boss said, " Take him to someone who can show the robots who is the boss. Dr Eggman. Come on. We need to separate him from that Lombax. "

Two conmen follow sneaky Ratchet and Clank. When they far from in front, the boss see them coming and whispered, " Here they come. " As Ratchet's walking by not noticing, the conman boss grabbed Clank and carries him away. The conmen took Clank far away from Ratchet. Clank asked, " Umm, may I help you? " The first conman said, " Why yes. Cause you see, I couldn't stop noticing that you can slow down time. " The little robot said questionable, " Yes? " He said, " Great! Because when my device was near you, it went crazy. Look. "

He showed Clank the device with random numbers and then, it froze. Clank said, " Fascinating. " The boss said, " I know. And I was wondering that maybe you can be in the show in front of the all people. Our boss Eggman will be most impress. " Clank said, " I would love to. But I have to let my brother know about... " The boss conman interrupted him, " Don't worry about him. He'll come. " The first conman whispered the last sentence to the second one, " As if. "

Clank started, " But I have to... " Boss conman said, "Go to the top? Great. Once you impress the crowd, you'll be the star. You'll be the Amazing...uh... What is your name? "

Clank replied, " Clank. " " The Amazing Clank! Come, on to the theater. " Two conmen took Clank to the wagon and they rode off.

Ratchet asked, " Say Clank, you want to check out that store? " No response. He then noticed that Clank is not with him. He looked around and called out, " Clank? Clank? " No reply. " Where did he go? "

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