Two Faced ~ Levi Ackerman

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It was nights like these that fueled your seemingly relentless hatred for your "co-worker". He was cocky, rude, and over the top in every way. Just a glance at him made you angry, your hands curling to form fists, your insides burning with a passionate rage that would later be snuffed.

"You know what, just because you have a dick between your legs doesn't mean you're any better than I am, asshole!" You fumed, teeth gritting when he simply smirked "Oh, I never said it made me better than you, I just think that literally anyone else here would do a better job on this presentation than you."

You felt tears sting your eyes as his gleamed with pride, your teeth moving to bite down on your lip to keep any angry cry from leaving your mouth. You opened your palms, smoothing them against your pants before spitting out another impulsive reply "Okay, fuck you! Find someone else to do it, and while you're at it you can find someone else to keep your bitchy self happy!" You yelled, grabbing your folders and storming out of the room, ignoring the confused glances that others in the conference room were giving you. You heard Levi curse loudly and scramble to catch up but it was too late, the elevator doors already closing in front of you as you frantically pressed the close button, your chest heaving from sprinting and throat sore from holding back your tears.


You looked up just in time to see Levi's frantic expression, his eyes filled with regret and arm outstretched towards you.

Small drop of liquid left one of your eyes as the doors closed, your sadness outweighing your silent rage. As the door finally shut and the elevator started moving you wiped the tear away from your eye, waiting anxiously to reach the first floor nd go home.

To not only an empty bed, but a hot bath and chocolate.

The pros outweighed the cons.

You quickly stepped out of the elevator, digging your keys out of your pocket and shakily selecting the one that opened your car door. You're walk turned to a jog when you heard rushed steps coming from the stairwell, your heart soaring when you saw your beloved vehicle only a few steps away. Seven, six, five, four.

Against your better judgement a small part of you hoped Levi would reach you in time, hold you in his arms and head home together. But alas life is not a movie, and your jogging had become running long ago. You slid into your seat, turning on the engine just as Levi reached the seven step mark. You could hear his muffled yelling, a pleading look in his eyes.

Maybe you were over reacting. But if you were it was too late to back out now. Fuck this. You quickly shifted gears and sped out of the parking lot, your heart racing.

After a short drive you reached your condo, and the comfort of you king sized bed. Except half of it smelled of coffee and cigarettes. You pursed your lips and back tracked, beginning to turn around when you ran into something. Something tall, with a hard chest, something that smelled like coffee and cigarettes. Your eyes widened and you looked up immediately, your breath stopping short at how close that gorgeous face of his was to yours. Fuck.

He didn't seem fazed by your obvious staring though, and no cocky remarks left his lips. Instead he said something you never imagined you'd hear. "I'm sorry...."

His eyes were so genuine, and they quickly darted down to the floor out of shame.

"I shouldn't of said what I did, especially not in front of the rest of our co-workers. I'm sorry for treating you like shit..." he mumbled, his hands tucking into the pockets of his dress pants.

Your jaw went slack as you watch him bit his lip while anxiously waiting for your response. His eyes were searching yours, and he lifted a hand, cupping your cheek with it.

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